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Embrace Workplace Mental Health Strategies Now

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Saturday, January 20, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Drive positive change with workplace mental health strategies.

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Incorporating A Mental Health Strategy within A Workplace

Today, we're all about tackling a critical aspect of our career landscape that has been unduly ignored for far too long: mental health in the workplace! Yes, you read it right—we're going to plunge headlong into the exciting world of workplace mental health strategy.

A serene office environment symbolizing mental well-being at work2

🧘‍♀️ Acknowledging the Importance of Mental Health

Let's start by acknowledging the elephant in the room: mental health. It's as significant as physical well-being, maybe even more so! In workplaces across the US and Canada, we're beginning to see a shifting perspective towards mental health, which is fantastic news! 🎉

A serene office environment symbolizing mental well-being at work3 Action Item: Challenge yourself to broaden and deepen your understanding of mental health. Read articles, watch documentaries, listen to podcasts—educate yourself!

📊 Creating a Proactive Mental Health Strategy

The next step is creating a proactive mental health strategy. We're not just firefighting here; we're earthquake-proofing our buildings! Companies like Google and Microsoft have begun actively incorporating mental health days into their calendars. This concept allows employees to take a day off when stress and anxiety get the better of them, with no questions asked. It's a simple, effective strategy your workplace should consider. 📝

Action Item: Be a catalyst for change. Approach your HR department or senior management to discuss implementing mental health strategies, such as mental health days.

👥 Fostering an Open Culture

Creating the strategy is just the first step; the real magic happens when we foster an open culture where employees feel safe discussing their mental health concerns. At progressive companies like Zappos, we see 'open door' policies where employees can freely discuss mental health issues without fear of judgment or repercussions. A culture of openness and acceptance can lead to more productive and happier employees! 🚀

Action Item: Pledge to be nonjudgmental and understanding. Encourage your colleagues to talk about mental health, providing a safe and supportive space for them to do so.

🧠 Implementing Mental Health Training

Remember the time when your workplace taught you CPR? Similarly, workplaces need to provide mental health first aid training. One example comes from Starbucks, who offered its US employees complimentary subscriptions to Headspace, a popular mindfulness and meditation app. Mental health training can arm employees with skills to manage stress, anxiety, and depression, and help them assist their co-workers who may be struggling. 🎯

Action Item: Advocate for mental health training in your workplace. This can take the form of inviting speakers, hosting workshops, or providing resources like mindfulness apps.

Incorporating a mental health strategy in the workplace is no longer a 'nice to have'; it's a necessity. By acknowledging the importance of mental health, creating proactive strategies, fostering an open culture, and implementing mental health training, we can revolutionize our workplaces.

So, take a deep breath, strap in, and let's get ready to make our workplaces more understanding, accepting, and proactive for mental health. Let's create a work environment where mental health is just as pivotal as meeting targets and deadlines. After all, a healthy mind is the bedrock of creativity, productivity, and ultimate career success! 🌟

Remember, mental health matters as much as physical health. Don't let anyone tell you differently. Here's to healthier, happier, and more productive workplaces! 💪

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