Financial Analyst Resume Example

Read our no-nonsense guide on how to write a financial analyst resume that will get you more interviews fast. Or, hire Leet Resumes to write your resume for you – for free!

Written by Marc Cenedella
Leading expert on resumes

Marc Cenedella

Marc Cenedella is a nationally recognized thought leader on careers, resume writing, job search, career management and recruiting, Marc is frequently sought out by national media organizations for his expert commentary on employment, resumes, the job search and the job market.

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Last updated on April 7, 2022
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How to write a great financial analyst resume

You sift through mountains of spreadsheets, reams of data – all to prepare informed analysis that will help determine the strategic decisions of your company.

But when it comes to creating your resume, the one document that will help determine the strategic course of your career, you’re a bit stumped.

The interviews aren’t coming. The rejections are piling up.

We get it. That job search is stressful. Having a great resume that gets you more interviews can make that process way less painful.

Not painless, but less painful!

That’s why we created this free financial analyst sample resume below. Take a look at it, chop it up, copy it, make it your own.

Do you want to know why this resume is so effective? It’s because it follows the Leet Resume secret formula for writing a winning resume.

All of our resumes follow this formula.

Want to know how to write a resume that gets you more job offers? Follow our comprehensive guide on writing a great financial analyst resume to learn more!

Why is my financial analyst resume so important?

Picture this: you’re a recruiter hiring for a financial analyst position. You’ve just poured yourself a cup of coffee, and you’re ready to look at the new resumes.

You open up LinkedIn.

You have 113 resumes waiting to be read.


This may sound far-fetched, but it is absolutely not. Recruiters get 118 resumes for any job opening.

That means your odds of getting a job are less than 1-100.

But you can shorten those odds. Once you get into the interview stage, your odds of getting a job drastically shorten. By the time you’re speaking to a hiring manager, you’re in the top 3-5!

So you have to jump past the first hurdle and get that interview.

You do that by having a great resume that makes you stand out.

You get that great resume by having us write it for you… for free.

I’m serious.

Tips are certainly appreciated, but Leet will absolutely write you a financial analyst resume for free. Get started today.

How do I format my financial analyst resume?

I appreciate that you’re a self-starter. You want to write this resume on your own.

I’ll help you by giving you our winning resume formula.

Are you ready?

Here it is:

  • Name + contact
  • Professional headline
  • Professional summary
  • Work experience
  • Education
  • Keywords

That’s really all there is to it.

Before I dive into these in greater detail, let me tell you about something to avoid.

Avoid adding images, text boxes, or multiple columns to your resume.


Remember that recruiter who got 113 resumes? Here’s a secret: he uses a program to weed out the bad resumes from the good.

He doesn’t even read all the resumes! Just the ones the program told him to!

That program isn’t always the smartest. It gets confused easily by weird formatting.

When it’s confused, it gives your resume a bad rating. Then your resume won’t even be read by a human.

Do yourself a favor, don’t use any weird formatting.

Name + Contact

The top of your resume must have your name and your contact information.

For your contact info, be sure to include your phone number and your email address. Keep that email address professional!

There’s some debate over whether you should add your LinkedIn profile or not.

Our advice: don’t add it if you don’t check it.

Professional Headline

The headline is your title. It’s how you market yourself while on the job hunt.

You’ll want to use 3-5 words that clearly articulate the job you want, your seniority, and work style.

Here’s a solid example that you can use on your resume: Meticulous Financial Analyst

Professional Summary

If the headline is your title, then your summary is your elevator pitch.

What’s an elevator pitch?

It’s the 30-second version of why you’re the best person for the job.

Pretend you’re in an elevator with the recruiter: you’ve got just this one elevator ride to tell them why they need to hire you. You give ‘em this elevator pitch, your professional summary.

The summary needs to be formatted like this:

  • Job titles you’re seeking
  • Financial analyst skills you possess
  • Your financial analyst achievements
  • Your financial analyst awards and promotions.

Lines one and two are essential, whereas the latter two are dependent upon your experience.

Don’t shoehorn questionable awards into your summary just to make it four lines.

Hey job seeker – are you still paying attention?

If your eyes are glazing over, and you’re getting confused between a headline and a summary, may I offer you a suggestion?

Have us write your resume for you – for free.

Tips are appreciated for a job well done! Get started now!

Work Experience

Welcome to the main portion of your resume.

If this was a financial report, this would be filled with the underlying data and graphs that prove your thesis.

This is where you prove that you’re the right person for the job.

I’ve read a lot of resumes. I used to be a recruiter. And there were always TWO big mistakes that job applicants made in the experience section

Mistake one: job seekers don’t put their experience in reverse chronological order.

Here’s why this is a mistake. Recruiters want to see your growth as a working professional.

If you don’t put your experience in reverse chronological order, recruiters won’t follow your career story.

Helps them out. Put your experience in reverse chronological order.

Mistake two: job seekers write out their daily job duties

Here’s why this is a mistake. It doesn’t let recruiters see the impact you’ve had at your organization. Instead, it looks like you copied and pasted a job description into your experience.

So how do you correct for that?

By following five key concepts.

Focus on successes, achievements, and accomplishments

To make your resume stand out amongst the hundreds, you need to brag.

The best way to brag that also shows how impactful you are as a worker is to focus on your successes, accomplishments, and achievements.

It will make a recruiter understand how much impact you can have at the job you’re applying for – sending your resume to the top of the pact.

Start with a strong verb

Make those experience bullets even stronger by starting each one with a strong action word: analyzed, quantified, projected, produced.

This helps the recruiter see your work in action, further boosting your odds of getting a job interview.

Quantify your experience

As a financial analyst, you know the importance of values and figures. You know how to make them tell a story, so that you can make recommendations that make your company money.

It’s time to add these figures to your resume.

Instead of saying you created reports, say how many reports, how complex the reports were, and what was the quantifiable result of those reports.

Wherever you can, show in real figures how much money you made or saved your company.

Include your promotions

Remember how I said recruiters want to read the story of your career?

Including promotions helps them do that.

Adding promotions to your financial analyst resume shows that you have the capacity to grow and develop on a job.

A recruiter will see that and understand that by hiring you, they get a worker who will grow and develop along with the company.

Don’t forget dates

Lastly, don’t forget to put dates by every experience.

You may be tempted to leave them off, especially if you have gaps.

But this will make your resume look suspicious. It looks like you’re hiding something.

And a recruiter will be less likely to interview you if they think you have something to hide.


This section of your financial analyst resume is a piece of cake.

All you need to do is write down any degrees and certificates you have completed.

Don’t forget to add your program and the school where you received each degree.



In this last section of your resume, you need to list your keywords – hard skills, soft skills, and awards relevant to your experience as a financial analyst.

This is your last chance to convince a recruiter to give you an interview, so make it count!

Here are some skills to include:

  • SQL
  • Python
  • R
  • Research skills
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Writing skills
  • Mathematics

Once you’ve filled these out, you’ve finished! Congrats on making it to the end!

Can I get someone to write my financial analyst resume for me?

Are you still having trouble writing this resume?

Need someone to take the weight off your shoulders?

Try Leet Resumes!

We’ll write your financial analyst resume for you for free – tips appreciated!

Get started today. You’ve got nothing to lose and a whole career to gain


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