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Boost Your Work Productivity with Office Exercise

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Explore how integrating physical activity into your workday can improve productivity and work-life balance.

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The Hidden Power of Physical Activity in the Workplace

Working a nine-to-five job can often mean sedentary routines, boxed lunches, and evenings spent combatting stress. Don't get stuck in this unhealthy rut! Your career advancement isn't just about acing those presentations or networking at corporate events. Physical activity and exercise play a pivotal role in increasing your work efficiency and productivity. Let's delve deeper into the importance of promoting physical activity within the workplace.

An individual stretching in a bright office space.2

🏋️‍♂️ Workplace Wellness Programs: A Modern Necessity

Workplace wellness programs are increasingly popular among Fortune 500 companies. And you can bet it's not just for show. Google, for example, boasts a fitness center and organizes wellness classes for employees 🌐.

An individual stretching in a bright office space.3 Adobe extends wellness reimbursements to employees who prefer to sweat it out at their preferred gym💰. Such programs significantly impact the employees' health and productivity. They reduce absenteeism, boost morale, and improve overall job satisfaction. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that comprehensive wellness programs can yield a $3 return on investment for every $1 spent 💹.

This isn't just a fad - it’s a smart business strategy.

🚴‍♀️ Breaking the Shackles of Your Desk

While wellness programs are great, not all companies have the resources to build gyms or offer fitness classes on site. But that shouldn’t stop you.

Take walking meetings. Instead of sitting around a table, why not discuss the Q3 goals while walking around your office building or strolling through a nearby park? Studies have shown that walking can boost creativity and problem-solving skills🏞️.

Incorporate desk exercises throughout the day. Simple activities like stretching, chair dips, and even desk push-ups can be done without interrupting your workflow. It might seem silly at first, but over time, it will become a normal part of your routine and aid in maintaining physical wellness💪.

🧘‍♂️ The Magic of Mind-Body Exercise

Ever heard of mindfulness? It's not just a buzzword - it has real impacts on your work productivity.

Yoga or meditation breaks during lunchtime can drastically reduce work-related stress and promote well-being, making you more centered, and consequently, more efficient. You might not be able to do a full yoga session, but even a few minutes of stretching or deep breathing can go a long way.

Google offers 'Search Inside Yourself' classes to its employees, designed to teach mindfulness and emotional intelligence 🌈. You may not have access to such a program, but a few minutes of focused breathing at your desk can provide a similar relaxation effect.

🍎 Food for Thought

Incorporating physical activity at work isn't only about breaking a sweat. Nutrition also plays an integral part in maintaining energy and focus throughout the day.

Instead of relying on vending machine snacks or fast food lunches, consider healthier alternatives. Fresh fruits, nuts, and salads are not only tastier but can keep you energized and prevent that mid-afternoon slump 🍏.

At Apple Inc., employees are provided with a variety of organic food options at their company's cafe, known for catering to all dietary preferences. Healthy eating goes hand in hand with physical activity to promote overall health and wellness, which in turn contributes to better work performance.

The bottom line? Physical activity and overall wellness aren't just personal matters; they're crucial for your career advancement. Incorporating exercise into your workday, whether through a formal wellness program or simple desk exercises, can boost productivity, creativity, and job satisfaction. So, lace up those sneakers and make physical activity a non-negotiable part of your workday 🎖️.

Remember – your career isn’t just about what happens in the boardroom. It’s about what happens on the treadmill, the yoga mat, or the walking path as well. After all, a healthier you is a more productive you 🏆.

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