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Unlocking Career Success: A Guide to Self-Evaluation 🚀

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Discover how to measure your own performance and contributions in a professional setting, unveiling the key to career success. A comprehensive guide with practical steps to assess and drive your career growth.

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Evaluating Your Own Performance & Contributions: The Key to Career Success 🚀

1. Reflect on Your Professional Journey 🔄

A man sitting at a desk with a cup of coffee, engaged in thoughtful reflection while evaluating his professional performance.2 First things first, take a look at your bigger picture! Your professional journey is so much more than your current role. It's a cumulative experience, just like getting a degree where "summa cum laude vs magna cum laude" might matter during graduation, but what truly counts are the knowledge and skills you acquire along the way.

Take a trip down memory lane and survey your entire career landscape – the highs, the lows, the in-betweens, and everything that got you where you are today. Think about the skills you've polished, the connections you've made, and the contributions you've given to each role. This reflection process will help you see the value you bring to the table and how you can continue to improve.

A man sitting at a desk with a cup of coffee, engaged in thoughtful reflection while evaluating his professional performance.3 Action Item: Set aside some quiet, uninterrupted time to reflect on your career journey so far.

2. Understand Your Current Role 🔍

Next, let's get specific about your current role. What are the main responsibilities? What is expected of you? And further, are you meeting those expectations? Remember that evaluating your own performance is not about being perfect - it's about being aware and striving for improvement.

Look at your tasks and projects in the same way you'd approach a "teacher resume template." You wouldn't just list your responsibilities; you'd also highlight the specific results and impact of your work. This will help you assess your performance and identify areas where you can improve or excel.

Action Item: Write down your responsibilities and assess how well you are performing in each area.

3. Seek Feedback Actively 📢

Evaluating your own performance shouldn't be done in isolation. Constructive feedback is vital to your growth and development, so don't be shy to ask for it.

Schedule regular 1-on-1 meetings with your manager to discuss your performance and potential improvements. Additionally, seek insights from your colleagues. They may have observed things that you haven't noticed in your work.

Action Item: Ask for feedback in your next 1-on-1 meeting, and be open to insights from your colleagues.

4. Set Career Goals 🎯

Last, but certainly not least, define your career goals. Just like when you're wondering "what should a resume look like" for a dream job application, having clear goals will guide you in your self-evaluation process.

Setting career goals will help you understand what skills you need to develop, what responsibilities you should take on, and what professional relationships you should cultivate. Think about both short-term and long-term goals. They could be as simple as improving a specific skill or as ambitious as aiming for a leadership role.

Action Item: Write down your career goals and plan how to achieve them.

In conclusion, evaluating your own performance and contributions is an essential part of your career growth. It helps you understand where you are, what you've accomplished, and where you aspire to go. Remember to reflect on your past experiences, understand your current role, seek feedback, and set career goals. 🌟

So, grab a cup of coffee ☕, and let's get started on crafting your successful career journey!

['Career Development', 'Self-Evaluation', '1-on-1 Meetings', 'Career Success']

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