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Thriving Workspaces: The Power of Plants in Remote Work

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Thursday, November 2, 2023

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Discover how integrating plants and greenery in your workspace can boost productivity and creativity while reducing stress levels. Start your journey to a greener, more productive remote work environment today.

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Discover the Power of Green: The Importance of Plants and Greenery in Your Workspace

If you want to improve your organizational skills and boost your productivity, it might be time to introduce some leafy companions to your workspace. 🌳🌿

The blog post features an inviting workspace filled with green plants, which are referred as companions for enhancing productivity and reducing stress.2

πŸ€ Nature's Best Organizational Skills

The role greenery and plants play in enhancing our workspace is often underestimated. They do more than just beautify your surroundings. Research shows that indoor plants can improve concentration and productivity by up to 15%, reduce stress levels, and boost your mood β€” all conducive for a successful career. So, the next time you're wondering how to list references on your resume, you might just find clarity amidst the tranquillity of your green plants! 🌿

The blog post features an inviting workspace filled with green plants, which are referred as companions for enhancing productivity and reducing stress.3 ACTION ITEM: Start by adding a small desk plant like a succulent or a bonsai to your workspace.

🌿 Greenery as an Attractive Cover Letter for Your Workspace

Just like a well-crafted cover letter for an internship helps you make a great impression, so does a green-filled workspace. Indoor plants can transform your workspace into something that resembles more than just a 'work' space. It becomes an area that radiates positive energy and creativity. This could easily be a conversation starter with clients or colleagues visiting your remote workspace, just like an actor resume which stands unique amidst standard resumes. 🌡

ACTION ITEM: Place a tall, attractive indoor plant like a Fiddle Leaf Fig in a spot that's easily visible during video calls.

🌱 How Plants Contribute to Your Career Advancement

Thinking about where you see yourself in 5 years? Your green companions can not only instill calming vibes, but can further your career by improving your work performance. Life with plants is like crafting a google docs resume template free β€” it's resourceful, efficient, and results in an enhanced version of you. It also aids in combating workplace discrimination by levelling the surroundings for everyone. 🌴

ACTION ITEM: Commit to a routine for watering and nurturing your plants – it not only ensures their health but also instills discipline and responsibility in your routine.

🌿 From Summa Cum Laude to Magna Cum Laude: The Green Flag

Even the minute differences like summa cum laude vs magna cum laude can make a huge difference, just like the choice of plants and their placement. Not all plants require sunlight, and not all can thrive in a closed, air-conditioned environment. A LinkedIn resume filled with appropriate skills brings more value than a miscellaneous one. Similarly, the right plant can do wonders in the workspace. 🌼

ACTION ITEM: Research the best indoor plants for your workspace considering factors like the available sunlight, temperature, and plant care.

In conclusion, integrating greenery in your workspace is not just for aesthetics. It is a simple yet effective way to enhance your productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. The next time you're exploring jobs for communication majors or writing a cover letter, remember that your leafy companions are silently cheering you on, helping you become a better version of yourself. πŸƒπŸ’ΌπŸ–₯️

ACTION ITEM: Take a step towards greening your workspace today by adding a plant of your choice. Remember to take care of it, and it will reward you with not just fresh air but a fresh perspective towards work.

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