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Resolve Team Conflicts with Open Mindful Tactics

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Thursday, January 18, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Learn techniques for managing conflict and building an effective, motivated team.

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Navigating and Managing Conflicts within a Team

In the vibrant, high-stakes world of professional careers, the team you work with is as important as your own skills and abilities. In order to build a strong, effective, and motivated team, it is essential to confront and effectively resolve conflicts. But how do you do that without causing more friction?

🌀 Understanding the Nature of Conflict

An image depicting teammates engaging in a constructive meeting.2

Every individual brings their unique perspectives, ideas, and approaches to the table. As a result, conflict is inevitable, even in the most cohesive teams. Recognizing that disagreements are not solely disruptive but also an opportunity for growth and innovation is the first constructive step towards conflict management. 🌱

Action item: Regularly hold team reflection sessions to identify latent conflicts. Encourage everyone to express their viewpoint with an open mind. An image depicting teammates engaging in a constructive meeting.3

🗣️ The Art of Effective Communication

Clear, empathetic, and open communication is key to resolving conflicts. Miscommunication can heighten tensions and lead to misunderstandings. On the other hand, a well-articulated conversation can pave the way to find common ground.

Consider Susan, a project manager at a leading tech firm in Silicon Valley. A disagreement arose in her team regarding the direction of their newest project. Instead of letting the conflict fester, Susan held an open forum where everyone shared their ideas and concerns before they came to a consensus. This not only resolved the disagreement but also fostered a culture of openness and mutual respect in the team. 🌉

Action item: Establish a culture of open communication within your team. Regularly hold meetings where everyone can voice their opinions and concerns.

🎯 Focusing on the Issue, Not the Person

Conflicts often become personal, which can damage relationships and harm team morale. The key to preventing this is focusing on the issue at hand, not the individual. Constructive criticism should be aimed at the problem, not the person.

For instance, a disagreement over a missed deadline can quickly turn into a blame game. Instead of saying, "You always miss your deadlines," try, "What can we do to ensure tasks are completed on time?" This approach shifts the focus from the person to the problem, making it easier to find a solution. 🎈

Action item: Encourage your team to focus on the issue, not the person. Remind them that everyone is working towards the same goal.

💡 Conflict Resolution Techniques

There are several effective techniques to resolve conflicts. These include negotiation, mediation, and using a third-party arbitrator if necessary.

For example, David, a senior manager at a marketing firm in Toronto, used a mediator to resolve a long-standing conflict between two team members. The mediator allowed both parties to express their grievances and helped them find a compromise. As a result, the team was able to move past the conflict and work effectively together. 🚀

Action item: Train your team in conflict resolution techniques, such as negotiation and mediation. If necessary, involve a neutral third party to mediate the conflict.

Managing and navigating conflicts are integral skills in building effective and motivated teams. Remember, conflicts are not always negative. When handled correctly, they can lead to creativity, discovery, and improved team dynamics. Keep an open mind, promote open communication, focus on the issue (not the person), and arm your team with conflict resolution tools, and you'll be well on your way to building a high-performing team. 💪

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