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The Surprising Power of Email Etiquette in Remote Work

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Saturday, November 4, 2023

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Discover the remarkable role that email etiquette plays in the work-from-home setting, and how it can boost your career advancement. Understand the essentials, the art of writing effective emails, the importance of follow-ups and interpreting silence.

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📩 The Surprising Role of Email Etiquette in a Remote Setting

Let’s face it: in a world saturated with instant messaging apps and video calls, email can seem old-fashioned. Maybe even obsolete, right? Well, not so fast. You might want to hold your horses before you hit that delete icon. For those in the work-from-home community, email etiquette is not only alive and well but an essential part of their careers. Why? Let's delve into the murky, misunderstood realm of email etiquette and see if it can help you get those good raises, ace your 1-1s, and score those big promotions.

One person sitting at a desk, responding thoughtfully to an email.2

📬 Understanding the Email Essentials

Believe it or not, the humble email can make a world of difference between a CV and a resume landing in the "yes" pile or the dreaded "no" section. A well-written email can make your cover letter example shine and your analytical skills pop, all before a recruiter even opens your precious word resume template.🎓

One person sitting at a desk, responding thoughtfully to an email.3 Let's make one thing clear: emails are not the place for a letter of introduction. This isn't an old-school letter of intent; it's about hitting the right mix of professionalism and personality.🎯

Action Item: Spend time crafting an email that showcases your skills and experiences in a concise but compelling manner.

⌨️ The Art of Writing Effective Emails

If you've been scanning for downloadable resume templates or a free resume creator, take a break – your email needs you. It’s more than just stating work experience or listing down accomplishments. Your email is an extension of your resume, a quick showcase of your skills section of a resume. So don't rush it. 🚦

Your salutations examples matter, too. They set the tone and can be the difference between "Ugh, another application" and "Hmm, this one seems interesting.". So, invest adequate time in crafting a personalized and respectful salutation.🤝

Action Item: Proofread your emails, avoid overused phrases and clichés and maintain an air of professionalism.

🔄 The Follow-up is Crucial

This is where most folks falter. They send a stellar email, a top-notch resume – maybe even the best resignation letter or the sweetest thank you for the interview letter – but then they drop the ball. They fail to follow-up. Following up shows initiative, politeness, and – here's a biggie – respect for the recruiter's time. 🔄

Action Item: Follow up if you don't hear back after a week. A simple, respectful email asking for an update can work wonders.

🔊 Silence Doesn't Always Mean Rejection

Let's say you've done everything right. Your project manager resume examples are on point. You’ve used the best resume font. You’ve crafted an intriguing cover letter. You’ve thanked them for the interview. But you hear...nothing.

Take a breath, and don't push the panic button. Recruiters are busy folks – and often, silence doesn't spell the end. Now's the time to flex those patience muscles and continue your job search. Remember: perseverance is just as important as that stunning nurse resume example you're sending out. ⏱️

Action Item: If you don't hear back after following up, continue your job search but remember to keep the lines of communication open.

Good email etiquette might not get you a promotion overnight, but it will help you build professional relationships and portray you as a diligent, courteous individual. It's a subtle game of words, but one that can yield significant results in your career advancement. So, go on – dust off that inbox and give your emails the attention they deserve. 🚀

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