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Stay Ahead Post Meeting Follow These Steps

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Saturday, January 20, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Learn to keep stakeholders in the loop for career success.

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Providing Regular Updates on Task's Progress

A critical and often overlooked aspect of career success is clear, concise, and regular communication, particularly when it comes to updating stakeholders on the progress of tasks and projects. This isn't limited to those in management roles; it is relevant at all career levels and across all industries. Here's how you can get it right.

Person reviewing a comprehensive project status report2

🎯 Keeping Stakeholders Informed

One of the key reasons for providing regular updates on task's progress is to keep stakeholders informed. Whether it's your manager, your team members, or clients, people who have an interest in the project's success need to be kept in the loop. This builds trust, allows for better teamwork, and prevents unnecessary surprises. πŸš€

Person reviewing a comprehensive project status report3 Specific action item: Aim to send an update about major tasks or projects at least once a week. Key information to include are progress made, potential bottlenecks, and updated timelines if necessary.

πŸ“ˆ Transparency and Accountability

Providing regular updates instills a sense of transparency and accountability. It demonstrates that you are in control and are taking responsibility for the tasks at hand. For instance, if you're an engineer working on a software update, providing regular progress reports helps your manager and team know the status, and assures them that the project is on track. This can also help you build a reputation as a reliable team player. πŸ’Ό

Specific action item: Adopt a transparent approach to your work. Update your tasks in shared project management tools diligently, and take ownership of your responsibilities.

πŸ”„ Continuous Feedback and Course Correction

When you provide regular updates, it gives others a chance to offer feedback and potentially suggest course corrections. Your manager, for instance, may have insights or feedback that can help you execute the task more efficiently or solve a problem you’re facing. Timely updates can help nip potential issues in the bud and maintain project momentum. πŸ”„

Specific action item: Cultivate an open-minded approach to feedback and don't hesitate to ask for suggestions or guidance when necessary.

πŸš€ Accelerating Your Career Growth

Finally, mastering the art of updating others on task's progress is a sign of professionalism and can aid career growth. It shows you have solid project management skills, value teamwork, and are responsible. In a survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, more than 80% of employers said they look for evidence of leadership skills on the resumes of potential hires. Providing regular updates and leading project communications could help demonstrate these skills. πŸŽ“

Specific action item: Use your regular updates as a platform to demonstrate your strategic thinking, problem-solving abilities, and leadership abilities.

Example: If a code you’ve been working on isn’t functioning as expected, instead of just stating the problem, you could also propose potential solutions in your update. This showcases your problem-solving approach and can be seen favorably by your manager.

In conclusion, providing regular updates on task's progress is not merely an administrative task – it's a skill that requires strategic thinking, responsibility, and effective communication. By mastering this, not only will your day-to-day work be smoother, but you can also significantly boost your career prospects. πŸ‘

As follow up activities from this article, schedule a recurring event in your calendar to send out progress updates. Pay attention to the clarity and conciseness of your communication and actively seek feedback from your peers and managers. Implement what you learn to continually improve your updates and align with your team's expectations. Remember, effective communication is a vital career skill, and these small steps will lead to big advancements. 🌟

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