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Build Rapport with Your Manager Starting Today

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Monday, January 22, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Discover strategies for building a strong rapport with your manager by genuinely showing interest in their feedback and gaining career growth.

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Building Strong Rapport with Your Manager: The Power of Showing Interest in Their Feedback and Perspectives

πŸ“Œ Why Expressing Interest in Feedback and Perspectives is Important

Desk with notes, person and manager smiling and conversation bubbles2 Rapport is more than just maintaining a convivial or cordial relationship with your manager; it's about understanding and aligning with their views, priorities, and feedback. Expressing genuine interest in your manager's perspectives and feedback helps create a dynamic, respectful, and reciprocal professional relationship. It's about not just hearing, but really listening, which cultivates mutual respect between you and your manager. This can lead to increased visibility, opportunities for growth, and, ultimately, career advancement. 😊

πŸ“š How to Show Interest in Your Manager's Feedback

Desk with notes, person and manager smiling and conversation bubbles3 There are several practical ways you can demonstrate interest in your manager's feedback and perspectives.

Listen Actively: Active listening entails being present and engaged during conversations. Show your interest by responding, asking questions to gain clarity, and paraphrasing their feedback to confirm your understanding.

Take Notes: When your manager provides feedback, whether it's during a 1-on-1 or a team meeting, take notes. It shows you value their input and are committed to implementing it.

Ask for More: If your manager provides feedback, don't hesitate to ask for more. For example, you might say, "I appreciate your feedback on my project presentation. Do you have any other suggestions on how I could improve it next time?" This shows your desire to improve and grow in your role. πŸ—‚

πŸš€ Implementing the Feedback

Merely showing interest in your manager's feedback is not enough -- you need to implement it.

Create an Action Plan: Based on your manager's feedback, develop a concrete action plan to improve. Share this plan with your manager to ensure they know you're actively working on their suggestions.

Check-in Regularly: Regularly update your manager on your progress. This continuous communication shows that you value their opinion and are serious about making improvements.

Seek Further Feedback: Once you've made changes based on the feedback, ask your manager to assess your progress. This shows your dedication to growth and improvement. 🌱

🎯 The Win-Win Scenario

Showing interest in your manager's feedback and perspectives isn't a one-sided affair. It benefits you, your manager, and your organization.

For You: Implementing feedback can improve your skills, broaden your knowledge base, and enhance your performance. This can put you in a favorable position when you aim for promotions or raises. πŸ’Ό

For Your Manager: When you improve based on feedback, it not only reflects on your abilities but also on your manager's capacity to lead and guide their team effectively. This can enhance their visibility and reputation within the organization.

For Your Organization: A workforce that values and implements feedback contributes to a growth mindset culture, improves employee engagement, increases productivity, and ultimately drives the organization’s success. 🏒

In conclusion, showing active interest in your manager's feedback and perspectives fosters a culture of open dialogue, mutual respect, and continuous learning. It enables you to build a strong rapport with your manager, enhancing your growth and career prospects. So, in your next 1-on-1, ask your manager for their feedback, listen attentively, and implement their advice. Remember, the road to career advancement is paved with feedback, and your ability to utilize it effectively is a crucial step in that journey. πŸ’‘

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