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Shift Your Career If You Crave Progress Now

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Uncover the signs of career stagnation and learn how a career shift can reignite your passion and professional growth.

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The Role of Career Stagnation in Prompting Career Shift

Career growth is an essential part of everyone's professional journey. But what happens when you reach a plateau, and the advancement seems to come to a near halt? The feeling of being stuck in a professional rut can be overwhelming. Ironically, this situation can be the catalyst that prompts a career shift, turning a seemingly negative circumstance into an opportunity for growth and expansion. Let’s explore this concept further in our series on 'Identifying the need to shift careers.'🧭

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πŸ‘£ Identifying Career Stagnation

Career stagnation occurs when there is little to no progression in your job over an extended period. This could mean lack of promotions, negligible salary increments, or simply no new learning opportunities. For instance, imagine you're a project manager with a tech firm in Silicon Valley. You've been with the company for a decade now, but your job role, responsibilities, and pay scale have remained largely unchanged over the years.🚦

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πŸŽ— Taking the Right Action

When you've identified career stagnation, don't panic. Embrace this realization and draft an action plan. Approach your supervisor or HR for a discussion about your career progression. Volunteer for new projects or roles within the company to broaden your skill set. Sign up for further education or professional courses to increase your marketability. The key is to keep learning and keep growing.

Let's go back to our project manager example. If they realize that their stagnation is due to a lack of advanced skills, they might decide to upskill by enrolling in an AI course from a reputed institution like Stanford, thereby improving their job prospects and standing out in their existing role.πŸ“š

πŸŒ€ Is a Career Shift Necessary?

While tackling career stagnation, you may reach a point where a change within the same organization or field may not suffice. Instead, a complete career shift may seem more appealing and promising. For example, you might be a financial analyst in Toronto, finding that your passion lies in environmental policy, and feel called to make a shift.

In these cases, exploring new industries, job roles, or even entrepreneurship can be rewarding. Consider going back to school full-time, part-time, or taking online courses related to your desired field. Network with professionals from that industry, attend seminars, or job fairs to gain more insights. Remember - while career shifts can be daunting, they also open the door to exciting possibilities.πŸš€

🌈 Embracing the New Journey

Transitioning from career stagnation to a career shift is a journey of self-discovery and growth. You learn more about your interests, capabilities, and aspirations. You discover new fields, meet diverse people, acquire new skills, and experience a sense of renewed professional fulfillment.

Consider the case of a seasoned public relations executive in Chicago who, after years of stagnation, made a career shift into digital marketing. They took up relevant courses, networked with digital marketing professionals, and eventually landed a role in a prominent e-commerce firm. Today, they are leading an innovative digital marketing campaign, feeling more engaged and satisfied in their work than ever before.πŸŽ†

Career stagnation can initially seem like a roadblock. However, it can actually serve as a wake-up call prompting you to reassess your professional life. It presents an opportunity to break from the monotony and take a leap into new territories. So, if you find yourself stuck, smile and get ready for a thrilling career ride! 🌟

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