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Set and Maintain Stark Office Personal Boundaries

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Strategies for asserting personal boundaries at work.

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The Delightful Importance of Setting Personal Boundaries in the Office

We all know the workplace can be pure bliss. A utopia of cooperative synergy, free from challenges, conflict or tension. Everyone respects your privacy, nobody oversteps their boundaries, and you always leave feeling rejuvenated and filled with purpose. Am I right? 😉

An illustration of a boundary wall protecting a serene office space2

🕓 Hate the Phrase 'Work-Life Balance'? It Hates You Too!

But let's be real. Your office may not always embody that utopic vision. In fact, colleagues often wind up stepping on each other's toes, both literally and figuratively. And here's a fun fact: the idyllic phrase "work-life balance" sprouts wings and flees the building when Madeline from Marketing decides your desk is the perfect spot to eat her spicy, garlic-infused tuna sandwich.

An illustration of a boundary wall protecting a serene office space3 Setting personal boundaries is not just essential to maintaining harmony in the office. It is also pivotal in preserving your sanity. So, how can you establish and communicate your personal boundaries effectively without ruffling feathers? 🤔

🚧 Building Your Personal Boundary Wall

Start by identifying your limits. What are your non-negotiables? Maybe it's taking an uninterrupted lunch break, or perhaps it's not being expected to answer emails after 6 PM. These are the bricks of your boundary wall.

Now, let’s be real. No one’s going to respect your boundaries if you don’t communicate them. You might be a wizard at telepathy but chances are your colleagues aren’t. Action item: Speak up! Use tactful, professional language to make your boundaries clear. For instance, “I need my lunch break to decompress, so I’d prefer not to discuss work then," or "I unplug after 6 PM to recharge. I'll be sure to respond to any emails first thing in the morning." No one’s going to throw you a parade for these requests but chances are they'll respect them. 🎩

😤 Handling Oversteppers Like a Champ

Now, let's talk about those blissfully ignorant oversteppers, or 'boundary bulldozers' as I fondly refer to them. How do you handle the colleague who insists on scheduling meetings during your lunch break or the one who thinks it's perfectly okay to call you at 10 PM to discuss a PowerPoint? Well, dear reader, this is when your assertiveness must shine brighter than Beth's obnoxiously glittery holiday sweaters.

Action item: Be firm, yet respectful. Politely remind them of your boundaries, and suggest an alternative solution. For instance, "I'm unavailable for lunch meetings. However, I'd be happy to meet at 2 PM," or "I disconnect after 6 PM, but feel free to email me and I'll respond first thing in the morning." The world won’t end, I promise. 🌎

💡 Balance: The Not-So-Mythical Unicorn

Balance is essential. It prevents you from becoming that grouchy employee who snaps at the innocent intern for merely breathing too loudly. Setting effective personal boundaries promotes mental wellbeing, increases productivity, and boosts job satisfaction. But remember, it's a two-way street. Respect others' boundaries as much as you want yours to be respected. And in case of boundary bulldozers, remember: firm yet respectful.

Personal boundaries are the invisible line of respect that we wish to establish around us. They serve as a mark of self-respect and a signal to others that you value your self-care and wellbeing. So, put on your hard hat, grab those bricks, and start building that personal boundary wall because guess what: work-life balance isn't just for unicorns and IT guys named Steve. 🦄

You've got this. It's time to take control of your professional life, one boundary at a time. And maybe Madeline will finally understand that your desk is not a cafeteria. But let's not hold our breath for that one. 🍣

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