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🎯 Setting and Achieving Personal Targets: Your Key to Success

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Monday, November 6, 2023

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Explore effective tactics to set realistic personal targets and achieve them, boosting your career growth even when working from home.

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🎯 Setting and Achieving Personal Targets: Your Key to Success

The key to achieving career growth, whether you're a dietary aide or a computer wizard, often lies in setting and achieving personal targets. In this age of Zoom meetings and hot-desking from your kitchen, staying motivated when working from home can prove challenging. Let's explore some tactics to set realistic targets and accomplish them, even while working in your pajamas.

An individual setting and achieving personal targets on a laptop at a comfortable home office setting.2

πŸ—“οΈ Define Clear and Specific Goals

The first step towards achieving great things in your career is to set clear and specific goals. This is the cornerstone of your personal mission statement. Are you aiming for a promotion? Would you like to acquire new computer skills for your resume? Whatever the aim, write it down. Make it as specific as possible, so you have a clear picture of what you’re working towards. πŸ’‘

An individual setting and achieving personal targets on a laptop at a comfortable home office setting.3 Action Item: Craft a personal mission statement that encapsulates your career goals.

🌱 Breakdown your Goals into manageable Tasks

Having an ambitious goal like becoming the best jobs for teens provider in town can seem daunting. So, break it down into smaller, manageable tasks. This simplified approach is similar to a functional resume template, where a bigger picture is broken down into noticeable skills and experiences.

Action Item: Identify the smaller tasks that will take you to your bigger goal. Jot down these tasks, attach timelines, and review them regularly.

πŸ’ͺ Embrace the Power of an Action Verb

When you're working towards your goals, every action counts. Much like a potent action verb on a resume, your actions should be impactful and directed towards achieving your goal. Whether it's enhancing your customer service representative resume or mastering the art of writing a simple cover letter, make every action count. 🎯

Action Item: For each task identified, attach an action verb. This will make the task more tangible and achievable.

πŸŽ–οΈ Celebrate your Accomplishments

Recognize and celebrate your milestones, big or small. If you've successfully created a headline for LinkedIn that brings in more profile views, celebrate it. If you've managed to make a cover letter that landed you a job interview, pat yourself on the back. Each celebration fuels your motivation to continue working towards your future targets. πŸŽ‰

Action Item: Keep a record of your successes. Revisit them when motivation runs low.

πŸ” Make it a Continual Process

Setting and achieving personal targets should be an ongoing process, not a one-time event. Review and revise your goals regularly. An excellent example of this comes from building a resume online. Just as you modify your resume for different job applications, be prepared to adapt your goals as your aspirations evolve.⏱️

Action Item: Set a bi-monthly or quarterly review process for your goals. This will help you stay on track and make necessary adjustments.

Setting personal targets and striving to achieve them can help keep you motivated, especially in a work-from-home environment. With clear goals, manageable tasks, impactful actions, and regular celebrations of accomplishments, you can chart a path to unprecedented growth in your career. Remember to revisit your goals periodically and adapt them as needed, because the only constant in life is change. Best of luck on your journey! πŸš€

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