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Take Charge of Your Remote Work Mental Health

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Guide to maintaining mental health for remote workers and when to seek professional guidance.

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Maintaining Mental Health While Working Remotely: Finding Professional Help if Required

🎯 Recognize when you need help - The art of self-awareness

In the time-honored tradition of self-reliance, professionals often tend to believe that admitting need for help is tantamount to admitting defeat. For those who are nodding in agreement, let's perform a quick reality check. When you have a toothache, you see a dentist. When your car breaks down, you visit an auto mechanic. Yet, when your mental health is fraying at the edges, you decide to play therapist. Isn't that...uhm, illogical? Or shall we say...ironic? πŸ˜‚ Image of a calm home office with motivational quotes2

Your first action item – Become self-aware and recognize when you are overwhelmed or stressed. Symptoms might include persistent exhaustion, reduced productivity, feeling overly pessimistic, or increased irritability. Specific to remote working, increased detachment from colleagues or reduced interest in work might be red flags signaling the need for professional help.

πŸ“ž Reach out - Asking for help is not embarrassing

Image of a calm home office with motivational quotes3 After gaining this life-changing revelation (yes, admitting that you might need help can indeed be life-changing), the next step involves actually reaching out to a professional therapist or counselor. Let's face it, confessing your anxieties and stresses to a stranger can be slightly unsettling. But hey, isn't it better than privately rehearsing your Oscar-winning breakdown scene alone at home? 🎭

Your next action item - Once you've acknowledged the need for help, reach out to a licensed therapist or counselor. This might involve contacting your HR department for Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), or using teletherapy services like BetterHelp or Talkspace.

πŸ—‚οΈ Research & Find the right professional - Playing Sherlock Holmes

Alright, so you've accepted the need for assistance and decided to reach out. Now, it's time to put on your deerstalker and start hunting for the β€˜right’ kind of professional help. Do you need a psychologist, a psychiatrist, a mental health counselor, or a life coach? This might sound like a complex, bureaucratic process reserved for the likes of government officials, but trust me, a bit of research can go a long way toward ensuring an effective therapy experience. πŸ•΅οΈ

Action item number three - Research different mental health professionals and their areas of expertise. For instance, psychiatrists can prescribe medication, psychologists deal with complex mental health disorders, while counselors and coaches are excellent for dealing with stress, self-esteem issues, or work-life balance.

πŸ› οΈ Regular Check-Ins - Mental health maintenance 101

So, you've started with a therapist, it's all sunshine and rainbows then, right? Well, not quite. Just like your car needs regular oil changes and your teeth need regular cleanings, maintaining your mental health requires regular check-ins and tune-ups. You can't expect a single session with a therapist to cure all your woes, much like a single visit to the gym won't turn you into The Rock. Consistency is key, dear reader. πŸ’ͺ

Your final action item - Schedule regular appointments with your chosen professional and stick to them. Pat yourself on the back if you've made it this far, but remember this is a marathon, not a sprint.

In conclusion, seeking professional help for maintaining mental health while working remotely is about as natural and necessary as seeking professional help to fix a leaky faucet or a faulty engine. So, let's drop the stigma, roll up our sleeves, and start giving our mental health the professional attention it deserves. πŸš€

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