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Master Your Time by Detaching Work From Home

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Learn how to maintain mental health while working remotely by establishing a dedicated work-free time for detachment.

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Establishing a Work-Free Time for Detachment

Working remotely has become the new norm for many U.S and Canadian professionals. The lines between work hours and personal time have blurred, making it challenging to establish a work-free time for detachment. A well-structured work-free time can contribute to improved mental well-being, reduced stress levels, and increased productivity during working hours. Here are some practical steps to help you craft your perfect work-free time. πŸ•Ί

A serene workspace signifying work and relaxation separation.2

🌳 Understand the Importance of Work-Free Time

Balancing professional and personal life is crucial, especially when working from home. Overworking not only affects one’s mental health but also their productivity. A study by the American Psychological Association indicated that workers with adequate work-free time experienced less job stress and higher satisfaction levels. πŸ’Ό

A serene workspace signifying work and relaxation separation.3 Action Item: Start by identifying the number of hours you work daily and assess if it surpasses the standard working hours of 8 to 9 hours. If it does, consider reducing your working hours.

πŸ•°οΈ Set Clear Boundaries

Creating a clear separation between work and personal time can be tricky, especially if you're in a high-demand role or working in different time zones. But setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining your mental health. By setting a specific time to end your workday, you send a clear signal to your brain that it’s time to switch off and enjoy some downtime. πŸ›οΈ

Action Item: Determine a specific time to end your workday and stick to it. Inform your colleagues about your work timings, so they respect your personal time. Utilize automated responses or status updates on communication platforms to convey your availability.

πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ Leverage Your Work-Free Time

Your work-free time should not only be about relaxation, but it should also encourage activities that contribute to your overall well-being. Consider engaging in activities such as physical workouts, reading, or indoor gardening. These activities can stimulate your mind and keep you active, improving your overall mental health. πŸ“š

Action item: Identify activities you enjoy and incorporate them into your work-free time. Different activities engage different aspects of your mental health, providing a comprehensive approach to maintaining mental well-being.

πŸ’‘ Embrace a Mindset Shift

The final step toward establishing effective work-free time is embracing a mindset shift. Recognize that downtime isn't about laziness or a lack of dedication. Instead, it's a vital part of ensuring that you can function at your best when you return to work. It's about recharging your mental batteries, not just drifting away aimlessly. 🧠

Action Item: If you feel guilty during your work-free time, remind yourself of the benefits of downtime – improved productivity, decreased stress levels, and better mental well-being.

In conclusion, developing a work-free time for detachment is critical when working remotely. By understanding its importance, setting clear boundaries, leveraging this time, and embracing a mindset shift, you can establish an effective work-free time that promotes mental health. πŸš€

Remember, your mental health is as important as your professional growth. Be intentional about carving out work-free time in your daily routine, and watch the positive impact it has on your well-being and work performance. 🌈

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