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Maintain Mental Health by Avoiding Remote Burnout

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Explore effective strategies to prevent burnout while working remotely, including recognizing warning signs and implementing proactive mental health practices.

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Identifying Signs of Burnout and Addressing Them

Ah, the sweet, transient joy of working from home–no boss breathing down your neck, no commuting, and no need to change out of your favorite pair of sweatpants. Sounds like a dream, right? But what if I told you that this dream could quickly turn into a nightmare marked by burnout? Let's dive into those pesky signs of burnout and the magical ways to address them–before you start seeing your computer screen in your nightmares. 🎃

A calming workspace with various self-care items.2

🕵️‍♂️ Spot the Fiery Signs of Burnout

First of all, let me warn you: Burnout is not like the flu, my dear friend. It doesn't come with clear signs like a fever or runny nose. Instead, burnout stealthily sneaks up on you disguised as exhaustion, cynicism, or even a feeling of inefficiency and inability to deliver quality work–which, for you perfectionists out there, is akin to an apocalypse. 💻

A calming workspace with various self-care items.3 You might suddenly realize you've been staring at the same Excel sheet for an hour with zero comprehension (probably the same horror you felt in your college statistics class). Or you find the constant stream of emails and Slack notifications draining your life force faster than a bodybuilding vampire at a blood bank. 🧛‍♂️

🔄 The Holy Grail: Your Daily Routine

Still not convinced you're approaching burnout? Consider your routine. Yes, that sacred ritual of waking up five minutes before your first Zoom call, scrambling to make coffee during a team meeting, and not realizing you're still wearing your pyjama pants until close to bedtime. 💤

If this sounds familiar, perhaps you're wearing rose-colored glasses—or you're too exhausted to take them off. Either way, it's time to take a hard look at your routine. Are you struggling to disconnect from work? Does your home office now include your bed, dining table, and bathroom (yes, responding to emails on the toilet counts)? If so, congratulations, you're probably heading towards burnout faster than Usain Bolt. 🚀

🛠️ Tools to Douse the Flames of Burnout

Now that you've embraced the bitter reality, let's move on to the remedies. Remember, it's not about transforming into a Zen master overnight. Instead, it's about simple, actionable steps to help you rekindle your sanity, and yes, enthusiasm for work.

First, set boundaries. You read that right. Create a dedicated workspace (that doesn't include your bed). Schedule regular breaks. I know, it's shocking. Breaking away from work during work hours? Yes, and remember to switch off your notifications during these sacred intervals. Consider these breaks as a golden ticket to rejuvenation, not procrastination. 🎫

Next, prioritize and delegate, fellow productivity enthusiasts! Yup, it's a revolutionary thought that you don't have to do it all. Try entrusting your team with tasks or using digital tools (yes, they're not just for spying on your employees) to manage your workload. 🤖

🤝 Reach Out Before You Burn Out

Last but not least, remember it's okay to ask for help. Talk to your manager or human resources. Request that your workload be adjusted or ask for some time off. Most organizations support mental health initiatives (if they don't, then it might be time for a job-hunt on LinkedIn). After all, you're a human being, not a work-processing automaton. And remember, even superheroes need help sometimes. 🦸‍♂️

In conclusion, burnout is real, even in a remote work setting. But with the right awareness, actions, and support, you can avoid turning into a human torch. After all, we want you to succeed and grow in your career while enjoying life and maintaining your sanity. Let's toast to a balanced work life, shall we? 🥂

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