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Discover How To Combat Remote Work Burnout Now

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Sunday, January 21, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Tackle remote work burnout with effective strategies for mental health maintenance.

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Identifying Signs of Burnout and Addressing Them

🧠 Understanding Burnout

Illustration of a serene home office setup suggesting balance and wellness.2 Let's ask ourselves, do we really know what burnout is? In my quest to understand this phenomenon better, I turned to psychological reports, and the World Health Organization's description of burnout says it's a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that's not been successfully managed. It is characterized by feelings of exhaustion, increased mental distance from one's job, and reduced professional efficacy. Sounds familiar, right? 🤔

So why are we even discussing it? Because it's real, and it's haunting the lives of professionals all around us, especially now that many of us are working remotely. It is predictable that skeptics amongst you may scoff at the idea of burnout being a real issue, and attribute it to simple exhaustion or lack of discipline. But then, that's exactly the kind of thinking that perpetuates the problem.

Illustration of a serene home office setup suggesting balance and wellness.3

💡 Identifying Burnout

Identifying the signs of burnout early is like catching the proverbial worm - it’s more beneficial to prevent burnout than cure it. So what are the signs? According to Dr. Sherrie Bourg, a psychologist in the United States, common symptoms of burnout include chronic fatigue, insomnia, forgetfulness, physical symptoms, and increased illness. Moreover, you might see losses in appetite and a lack of focus. Suddenly those afternoon snack cravings at your remote work desk seem more ominous, don’t they? 😨

🏋️‍♂️ Addressing Burnout

Alright, so we agree burnout is not just some folklore told to scare underperforming professionals. Good. Now, how do we address it? There’s no magic bullet, unfortunately. It takes a combination of self-care, setting boundaries, seeking support, and re-evaluating your professional goals. You might need to update management practices and discuss workload adjustments with your supervisor. Take time to rest, exercise, eat healthily, and try to maintain a balanced lifestyle.

Take, for example, Jessica, a senior manager at a top consulting firm in Toronto. When she shared her burnout symptoms with her mentor, she was advised to take a week-long break with no work emails or calls. On returning, she worked with her team to delegate tasks more effectively and also started setting strict boundaries around her work hours. She's been feeling more productive and rejuvenated since! 🌟

🧘 Proactive Measures

If we’re being skeptics, let’s be skeptics with a plan. It's better to not wait until burnout creeps up on you. Start taking proactive steps towards managing stress. Ensure you have a routine mapped out for your day, build in time for regular breaks, engage in physical activity, and stay connected with your colleagues outside your work scope.

Consider Tim, an IT professional based in Seattle. He recently started using the Pomodoro Technique (working in 25-minute blocks with 5-minute breaks in between) and takes short walk breaks during his lunch hour. He also dedicates one hour each evening to a hobby he enjoys. These proactive steps have helped him manage his stress levels more effectively. 🚀

In conclusion, belittling or ignoring burnout won't make it disappear. It's time we stop being skeptics and start being solution-seekers. So, let's identify the signs of burnout, take steps to address it, and better yet, take proactive measures to prevent it from happening in the first place. Because whether you're in an office or working remotely, your mental health should always be a top priority. 💼✌️

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