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Breaking the Chains: Overcoming Mental Health Stigma at Work

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Thursday, November 2, 2023

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

This blog post discusses the importance of overcoming the stigma associated with seeking professional mental health help at work. It emphasizes the significance of mental health in maintaining productivity, job satisfaction, and overall career advancement.

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🎗 Overcoming the Stigma Associated with Professional Mental Health Help at Work

Many people face work-related stress, and while certain resume writing services and resume examples for students often include tips on how to cope, they might overlook the depth of the issue at hand. In this age of surging mental health awareness, it's crucial to recognize that seeking professional help isn't a sign of weakness. Instead, it's a strength that can significantly benefit your career advancement. 🎯

This blog discusses strategies for overcoming mental health stigma at work and the importance of seeking professional help. It also emphasizes the importance of mental health in maintaining productivity, job satisfaction, and career advancement.2

🌈 Recognize the Value of Healthy Psycho-emotional Well-being

Recognizing the importance of mental health at work is the first step towards breaking the stigma. Just like physical health, mental health has a significant impact on productivity and overall job satisfaction - two key factors that affect your potential to thrive in a professional environment. Soft skills for a resume, such as emotional intelligence and stress management, are crucial to foster resilience in the workplace.

This blog discusses strategies for overcoming mental health stigma at work and the importance of seeking professional help. It also emphasizes the importance of mental health in maintaining productivity, job satisfaction, and career advancement.3 Here's one way to frame it: If an outside sales representative breaks a leg, seeking professional help is a given. So, why wouldn't they do the same if suffering from intense work-related stress or anxiety? Strong psycho-emotional well-being can be your secret weapon, enhancing your ability to handle funny interview questions or tough salary expectations negotiations with grace.

Takeaway: Acknowledge your mental health as an integral part of your professional competence. 🌟

⚖ Strike a Balance Between Work and Personal Life

A common strength and weakness interview often involves discussing your ability to balance work and personal life. This ability is not just a "nice to have" but a necessity for sustainable success in any career. Whether you're a communication major looking for jobs or a seasoned hostess at a restaurant, maintaining this balance is essential.

Delve into activities outside work that help you unwind and recharge. This balance can drastically reduce work-related stress, making more room for growth and learning in your profession.

Takeaway: Establish a healthy work-life balance to ensure your professional growth doesn't hamper your personal well-being. 🚀

💌 Communicate Openly With Your Manager

Effective communication is key in any professional setting. If you're experiencing work-related stress, don't hesitate to bring it up during your 1-1s with your manager. They might provide resources like an EAP (Employee Assistance Program), flexible working hours or even advice on how to deal with the situation.

Remember, a well-written letter of intent template or a thoughtful thank you letter can go a long way in expressing your feelings articulately without the fear of judgement.

Takeaway: Express your concerns openly with your manager to collaboratively find solutions. 🎈

👥 Create a Supportive Work Culture

While individual efforts can help, there is no substitute for a supportive work culture. Organizing mental health seminars, mindfulness workshops, and promoting regular breaks can create a more understanding and inclusive environment.

Moreover, consider revisiting job description examples to include mental health-friendly policies and initiatives. It encourages transparency and shows that the company values employee mental health.

Takeaway: Advocate for a supportive work culture to foster collective mental health well-being. 🤝

Workplace mental health is an important aspect of professional life that needs attention, acceptance, and awareness. By normalizing conversations around mental health and seeking professional help, we can not only enhance our performance but also truly enjoy our work-life journey. After all, our mental health is just as important as our career advancement! 💪

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