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Track Your Meeting Success with These Tips

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Saturday, January 20, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Discover how to gauge the success of your 1-on-1 meetings by noting improvements and changes post-meeting.

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Measuring the Success of a 1-on-1 Meeting: Noting Real-time Changes or Improvements Post-Meeting

In the continuous effort to evolve in your career, 1-on-1 meetings represent a golden opportunity. To make the most of these meetings, it is crucial to measure their success and observe the changes or improvements that occur as a result.

Illustration of a meeting with dynamic arrows indicating growth and success.2

📝 The Importance of Post-Meeting Observations 🕵️‍♀️

The value in a 1-on-1 meeting lies not only in the content discussed, but also in the actions taken afterward. It is in this post-meeting phase that the success of the discussion can truly be gauged. For instance, if you had a dialogue about improving team collaboration, the metric of success would be the enhancement in the camaraderie and cooperation among team members. 🧩

Illustration of a meeting with dynamic arrows indicating growth and success.3 Action item: Make a habit of jotting down your observations post-meeting and comparing them to the objectives set during the meeting. This can be as simple as making a note in your diary or on your smartphone.

📈 The Art of Identifying Real-time Changes 🌱

Real-time changes are arguably the most valuable metric of a successful 1-on-1 meeting. These changes, often subtle and easily overlooked, can provide a potent indication of progress. Maybe your manager listened to your plea for more creative control and instantly started providing you with more autonomy. Perhaps your suggestion for a more user-friendly interface led to immediate modifications on your company's website. These are the indicators that prove the worthiness of your meetings. 💡

Action item: Identify the occurrence of real-time changes and document them for future reference. This record will provide you with ammunition for future discussions and performance reviews.

🎯 Nailing Specific Improvements Post-Meeting ⏱️

In addition to real-time changes, specific improvements post-meeting can also serve as an effective metric for measuring the success of your 1-on-1. For instance, if you and your supervisor discussed streamlining the monthly reporting process, the reduction in time taken for this task in the following month is a significant indicator of the meeting's success. ⏱️

Action item: Pinpoint these specific improvements, highlight them, and communicate these wins to your supervisor.

👀 Transparency and Open Communication 🎤

The power of open communication on both ends post-meeting cannot be overstressed. This transparency gives you the platform to acknowledge any changes or improvements made, or discuss why certain action points were not implemented. As an example, suppose you asked to be included in a project during a meeting, but you weren't incorporated into the team. Rather than silently stewing, use this opportunity to seek an explanation. Your proactivity might just land you in the next big project. 🚀

Action item: Cultivate a culture of open communication with your supervisor. This can be done through regular check-ins, feedback sessions, or even casual conversations.

In a nutshell, the success of a 1-on-1 meeting can be measured by the real-time changes or improvements that ensue. Ensuring you keep tab on these metrics not only gives you control over your professional journey but also serves as evidence of your proactive participation in your career growth. Remember, every meeting is an opportunity disguised as a conversation. Make it count! 🏆

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