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Manage Time Zones for Better Remote Work

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Friday, January 19, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Explore strategies for managing time zones to enhance your productivity and work-life balance in remote work settings.

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Time Management Strategies for Different Time Zones

With more companies transitioning to remote work, employees now have the flexibility to work from anywhere in the world. However, this newfound freedom also comes with its own challenges: one of which is managing time across different time zones. Efficient time management ensures you're not only productive but also maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Here are a few proven tips for better time zone management.

Smartphone displaying clocks showing different world time zones.2

🌎 Understanding Time Zones

Firstly, it's essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the time zones you'll be working in. For workers based in the US and Canada, this means being familiar with the differences between Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific Time, or even the Atlantic Time Zone if you're in the easternmost parts of Canada.

Smartphone displaying clocks showing different world time zones.3 Accurately converting the time between these zones is crucial to prevent scheduling miscommunications. Tools like World Time Buddy or Google's built-in time zone converter can be a great help for this task. Always remember to double-check the converted time before sending out invitations or setting deadlines. 🌍

⏰ Scheduling Meetings

When it comes to scheduling meetings, it's crucial to be considerate of everyone's normal working hours. If your team is spread across the globe, finding a common time that works for everyone can be a Herculean task. However, there are certain "overlap" hours that can work for most time zones.

For example, if you're working with someone in London and you're based in New York, a meeting at 9 am Eastern Time would be 2 pm in London – a convenient time for both parties. Alternatively, use scheduling apps like Doodle or Calendly that take into account all participants' time zones when proposing meeting times. 🕰️

📅 Setting and Respecting Deadlines

When managing projects across different time zones, setting clear deadlines is critical. However, it's also essential for these deadlines to be fair and acknowledge the working hours of all team members. This implies considering the start and end of their workday, national holidays, and weekends.

For instance, if you're in San Francisco and your colleague from Toronto has to submit a report by 5 pm Pacific Time, this deadline may unfairly extend their workday as it's already 8 pm in Eastern Time. Strive for equity and respect in deadline-setting to ensure everyone can maintain their work-life balance. 🕛

🛌 Promoting a Healthy Work-Life Balance

While managing time zones, ensuring a healthy work-life balance is equally important. Encourage good practices within your team, such as not sending non-urgent emails outside of someone's working hours.

Consider this: If you're in Los Angeles and you send an email to your colleague in New York at 6 pm Pacific Time, it's already quite late for them. If the email isn't urgent, schedule it to be sent out the next morning. This way, you're not unintentionally pressuring them to work outside their set hours. This promotes a healthier and more respectful workplace culture, which is essential for the success of remote teams. 🌙

Mastering time zone differences can be a challenge, but with understanding, patience, and the effective use of technology, it can become a seamless part of remote work. As your team navigates this journey, keep in mind the shared goal of productivity and balance. Your work and well-being will thank you for it! 🌎🌍🌏

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