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You Tackle Bias in Every Conflict Right Now

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Learn how to handle personal biases in conflict resolution to enhance your professional relationships and productivity.

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Handling Personal Biases While Resolving Conflict

A critical quality for any professional is the ability to manage and resolve conflicts effectively. πŸŒ‰ However, an often-overlooked aspect of conflict resolution is our own personal biases. Biases, whether explicit or implicit, can significantly hinder a fair and productive conflict resolution process. In this article, we will explore ways to handle personal biases while resolving conflicts.

A figure amidst a bridge connecting two cliffs, symbolizing bridging gaps in conflict resolution.2

🧭 Recognize Your Personal Biases

Acknowledging that we have biases is the first step toward managing them. Biases can be explicit – openly acknowledged prejudices, or implicit – unconscious attitudes or stereotypes that affect our decisions and actions. 🧠

A figure amidst a bridge connecting two cliffs, symbolizing bridging gaps in conflict resolution.3 For example, if you find yourself constantly engaging in disputes with a specific colleague, it's worth examining whether a personal bias against this individual's background, work style, or opinions is at play. Action Item: Regularly engage in self-reflection and introspection to recognize and acknowledge your biases.

πŸ‘₯ Practice Empathy

Empathy should be a key component of your conflict resolution toolkit. It involves understanding and sharing the feelings of others, which can help you navigate personal biases during conflict resolution. πŸ’«

Consider a situation where a colleague has been consistently late on delivering his part of a project. Instead of letting your frustrations fuel the conflict, try understanding his perspective. Maybe he has been dealing with personal issues or has a workload that is beyond his capacity. Action Item: Try to see the situation from the other person's point of view before reacting.

🎭 Role Play

Role-playing exercises can be a powerful tool for gaining perspective on a conflict. 🎦 By putting yourself in someone else's shoes, you can gain insights into their motivations and behaviors, which can help you understand where they're coming from.

For instance, if you're a manager having conflicts with an employee, role play can help you understand their apprehensions, fears, and concerns. Swapping roles, even metaphorically, can be an eye-opening exercise, leading to improved understanding. Action Item: Use role-playing techniques to gain different perspectives.

πŸ—£ Communication is Key

Open and clear communication is integral to conflict resolution. This involves active listening and expressing your feelings without letting your biases dictate the conversation. πŸ“‘

If you're having a disagreement with a colleague over an idea during a team meeting, ensure you're really listening to their viewpoint, not just waiting to present yours. Seek to understand before being understood. Action Item: Foster a communication style that encourages listening and mutual respect.

πŸ€” Seek Feedback

Getting feedback from your peers and superiors can help you understand your behaviors and identify if any personal biases are hindering your conflict resolution process. πŸ“

Imagine a scenario where you are repeatedly encountering disagreements with a specific department in your organization. Seek feedback from colleagues both within and outside of that department to understand whether your biases about their work style or functionality are contributing to the conflicts. Action Item: Regularly seek feedback to gain insights into your behaviors and biases.

Remember, managing personal biases isn't about eliminating them – that's almost impossible. It’s about acknowledging them and ensuring they don’t cloud our judgement or fairness during conflict resolution. By taking the steps outlined above, you can start making strides towards more fair and effective conflict resolution, boosting productivity, and fostering healthier professional relationships. πŸ’ΌπŸ‘πŸ½

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