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Light Up Your Work From Home Life: Embrace Ergonomics and Optimal Lighting

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Sunday, November 5, 2023

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Learn how good lighting and ergonomics can significantly boost your productivity and career advancement when working remotely. Uncover key steps to create a workspace that fully supports your needs.

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🏠 Creating a Productive Remote Work Environment: Focus on Lighting and Ergonomics

Working remotely isn't just about curating a schedule that keeps you productive. It also involves fine-tuning your workspace to facilitate efficiency, just like a pharmacist would arrange their pharmacist's letter or a teacher would set up their class. Let's uncover the significance of lighting and ergonomics in your workspace and how these factors can influence your career advancement.

Image of a well-arranged home office with plenty of natural light and an ergonomic chair2

💡 The Power of Good Lighting

Lighting, whether natural or artificial, plays an essential role in maintaining productivity and ensuring that your workspace is comfortable. No matter what your profession is, be it a graphic designer working on their graphic designer resume or an administrator updating their resume for administrative assistant, having good lighting is a must.

Image of a well-arranged home office with plenty of natural light and an ergonomic chair3 1️⃣ Position your desk close to a window. Natural light during the day can significantly boost your mood and energy levels 💥.

2️⃣ If natural light is unavailable, use desk lamps that offer adjustable brightness. Achieving the right lighting balance can prevent eye strain and fatigue, supporting your productivity for extended periods of work.

📐 The Ergonomics Equation

Ergonomics involves arranging and designing your workspace so that it complements your physical capabilities and limitations. Just like you would spend time optimizing your resume form or example cover letter teacher to best fit a job description, your workspace should be tailored to suit your needs 🛠️.

1️⃣ Invest in a comfortable and supportive chair. Your back and your posture will thank you 🪑.

2️⃣ Make sure your desktop or laptop screen is at eye level. This can minimize neck strain and prevent detrimental effects on your posture 🖥️.

3️⃣ Keep your keyboard and mouse within easy reach, avoiding awkward stretching or bending.

🎈 The Importance of Taking Breaks

While optimizing your workspace is a great start, remember to take breaks. Even in the middle of a busy day perfecting objectives for resumes and cover letters, breaks are essential for maintaining productivity and avoiding burnout 😌.

1️⃣ Make sure to get up and move around every hour. This can help to prevent stiffness and maintain blood circulation 🏃.

🔧 Make it Work for YOU

Remember, what works for one person may not necessarily work for you. Just like a functional resume differs from a standard resume, your workspace should reflect your needs and work style. Feel free to experiment and adjust until you find what works best for you 🎯.

Finally, ensure that your workspace not only helps you get through your work, but also adds to your wellbeing and job satisfaction. It could be the key difference between merely doing a hostess job, for instance, and really enjoying a fulfilling career in hospitality.

Given the importance of a well-lit and ergonomic workspace in maintaining productivity, isn't it worthwhile to invest a little time and resources into creating a space that truly works for you? Let's make our workspace an ally in our career advancement journey! 🚀

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