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Leveraging Tech for Career Success: Why It's Time to Embrace Technological Proficiency

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Saturday, November 4, 2023

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Discover why promoting technological proficiency is crucial for career longevity and adaptability in our latest blog post. We explore how embracing new skills and technologies can help you stay competitive and relevant in a fast-paced digital world.

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πŸ› οΈ Promoting Technological Proficiency for Career Longevity and Adaptability

Alright, alright. Time to dust off that dusty "skill to list on resume" section, because we're about to dive headlong into the thrilling, captivating adventure of Promoting Technological Proficiency for Career Longevity and Adaptability. Apparently, the corporate ladder has been replaced by a futuristic escalator and if you can't keep up with its "tech-savvy" speed, you're likely to tumble off. So buckle up! 🎒

An individual using a laptop and studying technology.2

πŸŽ“ Education on Resume: Embrace the Tech Train

Gone are the days when "Education on Resume" meant listing your magna cum laude summa cum laude achievement next to that pottery class you took in college. Now, it's all about technological knowledge. Coding languages, software mastery – you name it. Try a free online course, or ten. You might not immediately see the connection between learning Python and your current role as a cashier, but trust me, it’s there somewhere. 🐍

An individual using a laptop and studying technology.3 Action item: Look for affordable online courses that can help you upgrade your technical skills.

πŸ’Ό Adding Value to Your LinkedIn Profile: Tech is the New Black

In this age of digital everything, your LinkedIn Profile is your new best friend – your very stylish, tech-savvy best friend. Display your newfound coding abilities, your database management experience, and your proficiency in using advanced software. If you can successfully navigate the matrix of Microsoft Excel, then sing it from the digital mountaintops! πŸ—»

Action item: Update your LinkedIn profile consistently with your latest tech certifications and skills.

πŸ’‘ CV Meaning: Techno-Savvy Demonstrations

If your CV isn’t pulsating with technological whizz-bang, then you're doing it wrong. Rather than droning on about how phenomenal you are at preparing a two-week notice letter, let's see some techno-wizardry in action. Did you automate mundane tasks at your last gig? Did you spearhead the implementation of a new project management system? If yes, then great! If not, it might be time to figure out how to add a "clueless about technology" badge to your CV. πŸ˜…

Action item: Highlight any tech-related achievements in your previous work experiences in your CV.

🎁 Cover Letter for Resume: Time to Brag

Here's your golden opportunity. Instead of penning your usual, run-of-the-mill cover letter, use this space to brag about your tech skills. Did you singlehandedly save your company from a disastrous data breach? Re-engineered your team’s workflow with a new software tool? Dazzle your potential employer with your technological prowess. If you're lucky, they might even forget to ask about that two-week gap in your employment history. πŸ€

Action item: Tailor your cover letter to showcase your tech skills and how they can benefit the company.

So there you have it. The future is digital, folks. Don’t get left behind in the analog past. Or do. I mean, who wouldn't want to gamble with their career trajectory? Good luck! πŸš€

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