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Foster Collective Brilliance With Engaging Workspaces

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Sunday, January 21, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Learn how cultivating a culture of collaboration and innovation through creative spaces can drive business success.

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Building Spaces for Idea Sharing and Exploration

In today's competitive landscape, businesses can't rest on their laurels. They need to ensure that they're always pushing boundaries, finding new ways to innovate, and staying ahead of the curve. 🏁

A vibrant think tank room packed with brainstorming tools.2 Indeed, fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration is crucial for businesses that want to thrive in the modern world. But how can this be achieved? One way is through the creation of spaces for idea sharing and exploration.

📍The Importance of Idea Sharing and Exploration

A vibrant think tank room packed with brainstorming tools.3 When we talk about 'spaces' in this context, we're not necessarily referring to physical spaces – although these can certainly be part of it. Instead, we're talking about a metaphorical space; a culture that encourages open discussion, idea generation, and the exploration of new concepts. 🚀

For instance, at Google, employees are given "20% time"—a day a week to work on side projects that aren’t necessarily in their job descriptions. This has reportedly led to the creation of many of Google’s most innovative products like Gmail, Google News, and AdSense.

🗂️ Creating the Right Culture

The first step in building spaces for idea sharing and exploration is to foster a culture that values these things. This means promoting open communication, encouraging creativity, and celebrating the sharing of ideas. Employees should feel safe to bring new ideas to the table, without fear of ridicule or dismissal. 😄

One way companies such as Pixar have achieved this is through “Notes Day”, where employees are encouraged to giving constructive feedback about anything, contributing to the improvement of company's operations and products.

💭 Tools for Idea Sharing

Once you've created the right culture, the next step is to provide the tools necessary for idea sharing and exploration. These might include brainstorming sessions, workshops, online forums, or collaborative software like Slack or Microsoft Teams.

For instance, at Tesla, Elon Musk encourages use of the company’s internal communication platform to share ideas and proposals. This digital space creates a valuable repository of innovative thoughts that can be explored and built upon. 🖥️

Whether they're working from a trendy Manhattan office or their home office in Montreal, tools like these allow teams to share and explore ideas without geographical constraints.

🚦Implementing Innovative Ideas

Creating a culture of innovation and providing the tools for idea sharing is only the first part of the equation. The next step is to implement these innovative ideas. This requires a willingness to take risks, as well as a process for evaluating and implementing new concepts.👩‍💼

At Amazon, the culture of innovation is promoted with a "two-pizza teams" concept, where each team is small enough to be fed by two pizzas. This autonomous team can run experiments, learn from customer feedback and if successful, can lead to new projects.

When it comes to building spaces for idea sharing and exploration, it's important to remember that it's not an overnight process. It requires a commitment from all levels of the organization, as well as the right tools and processes. But the benefits – increased innovation, better problem-solving, and a more engaged workforce – make it well worth the effort. 🎗️

So start today. Revaluate your company culture, provide tools that allow your employees to share their ideas, and create a clear process to implement these ideas. Your future success might well depend on it. 🎉

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