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From Weakness to Strength: Demonstrating Progress in Your Performance

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Thursday, November 2, 2023

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

This blog post outlines practical steps to identify weak areas in your professional life, create a robust improvement plan, diligently track progress, and effectively showcase improvements to supercharge your career growth.

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🎯 Demonstrating Progress in Weak Areas

When it comes to growing in your career, one aspect many professionals overlook is the importance of demonstrating progress in weak areas. It's not enough to shine in your strengths - addressing your areas of improvement is crucial for success and advancement. Whether you're seeking that coveted promotion, eyeing a 6-figure job, or simply wanting to become a stronger synonym for competent in your workplace, here are practical steps to help guide your path.

One person is sitting at a desk with a laptop, diligently working and looking focused, surrounded by charts indicating progress.2

👣 Identify Areas of Improvement

Start by conducting a comprehensive review of your work experience. This includes going through past performance evaluations, reflecting on feedback from colleagues, or simply assessing yourself. Look out for areas you consistently struggle in, be it communication, project management, or technical skills. Be honest but fair with yourself - acknowledging weakness is the first step to improvement. 🚀

One person is sitting at a desk with a laptop, diligently working and looking focused, surrounded by charts indicating progress.3 Action Item: Carve out a few quiet hours this week to do a thorough review of your work experiences. Identify your areas of improvement.

📝 Develop a Plan of Action

After identifying your areas of improvement, develop a comprehensive plan that outlines how you plan to overcome these issues. This could include enrolling in free online courses with certificates, seeking mentors, or tackling more diverse tasks at work to broaden your experience. Remember, your plan should be realistic and sustainable. It's better to improve steadily over time than to burn out in a rush. 🕐

Action Item: Draft a concrete plan of action that includes specific steps on how you plan to hone your skills and improve in your identified weak areas.

💼 Track Your Progress

Once you've started implementing your plan of action, be diligent about tracking your progress. This could mean noting when you've implemented feedback, reached milestones in your learning, or successfully completed a task that previously challenged you. Even the smallest improvements are worth noting. After all, a resume heading might include 'Accounting Specialist,' but an accounting job description includes more than just crunching numbers. 📈

Action Item: Set up a weekly or monthly review system where you assess your progress and adjust your plan accordingly.

🎉 Showcase Your Improvements

The last step is one many professionals neglect - showcasing their progress. Update your resume skills examples, share your success stories in team meetings, or discuss your progress during 1-1s with your manager. Showcasing your progress not just asserts your dedication to personal growth, but also signals to your team that you're up for more challenging responsibilities. Just remember, there's no need to brag. Demonstrating progress is about exuding quiet confidence, not loud arrogance. 🏆

Action Item: Update your resume and LinkedIn profile with your newly acquired skills and improvements. Also, prepare to discuss these improvements during your next 1-1 or performance review.

Improving in weak areas is a continuous process. It requires patience, perseverance, and above all, an openness to constructive criticism. As you implement these steps, remember the journey of self-improvement is not a sprint, but a marathon. Keep focusing, keep learning, and keep growing. Remember, the effort you put in today will be the foundation for future career milestones and successes. 💪

Final thought: 'Magna Cum Laude' GPA isn't just for college student resumes - it can be a metaphor for your work performance too. Aim for the best, strive for progress, and always keep learning.

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