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Build Stronger Remote Work Relationships Today

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Monday, January 22, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Discover strategies to build and maintain professional relationships while working remotely in the modern online environment.

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Using Online Platforms to Foster Relationships in the Era of Remote Work

In today's digitized world, cultivating professional relationships is just as important as it has always been. However, the approach to relationship-building has certainly evolved. As more teams become distributed or fully remote, online platforms have become the new conference rooms, water coolers, and networking events. Here's how you can leverage them to foster relationships and maximize your career advancement. 💼

An array of social and professional networking icons symbolizing online connectivity and relationship building.2

🌐 Embrace Digital Networking

Connectivity is the key to fostering professional relationships, and digital platforms provide ample opportunities for connectivity. Don't limit your interactions to just emails and business meetings. There are numerous other platforms like LinkedIn, Slack, Zoom, and more that can help you foster deeper relationships.

An array of social and professional networking icons symbolizing online connectivity and relationship building.3 For instance, many Fortune 500 managers and executives actively use LinkedIn to share valuable insights and engage with their colleagues. By participating in these conversations, you can garner visibility and engage with people from your industry, potentially sparking meaningful connections. You can also join professional groups related to your industry on LinkedIn and actively participate in conversations there.🗣️

Action item: Update your LinkedIn profile with your latest accomplishments and participate in at least two discussions this week.

🎯 Leverage Social Media

In addition to professional networking platforms, don't overlook the power of social platforms like Twitter or Instagram. While they may not seem like conventional tools for professional relationships, they provide a more personal perspective. You can follow industry leaders or colleagues to stay updated with their thoughts and activities.

Just remember to keep your interactions professional. For example, if a colleague shares an article related to your industry on Twitter, you can retweet it with your key takeaways, or perhaps spark a conversation around it. This not only shows your active interest but also helps you build rapport. 🐦

Action item: Follow at least 5 industry leaders from your field on Twitter and engage with one of their posts this week.

📈 Use Collaborative Platforms

Many companies have integrated platforms like Google Suite, Microsoft Teams, and Asana into their workflows to keep teams synchronized. These platforms are not just productivity tools; they can also be used for relationship-building.

By effectively using these platforms to share ideas, give feedback, and collaborate on projects, you show your commitment to teamwork and your ability to be a reliable team member. A well-timed compliment for a job well done with the entire team Cc'ed in the email can boost someone's morale and show your appreciation. These small tokens go a long way in building relationships. 💡

Action Item: Share positive feedback about a team member's contribution on a collaborative platform this week.

📅 Regularly Attend Virtual Events

Virtual events and webinars have become the new norm, replacing in-person networking events. Whether it's a company-wide meeting, an industry conference, or a casual Friday mixer, make a point to attend when you can.

These events offer a valuable opportunity to interact with a larger group, learn about different perspectives, and even become visible to higher-ups in your organization. At the end of a virtual meeting, stay on for a few extra minutes just to chat. This can lead to some interesting conversations and potential connections. ✨

Action item: Attend at least one virtual event this month and engage in discussions.

By embracing these online platforms and using them effectively, you can maintain professional relationships even if you're working remotely. Remember, fostering relationships is not about being the loudest voice in the room, but about being an active, empathetic participant. Now, start building those bridges and propel your career forward! 💪

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