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Gain Valuable Insights with Effective Feedback Today

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Saturday, January 20, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Explore how effective feedback is crucial for professional development in team settings.

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Feedback Training as Part of Professional Development

πŸš€ The Power of Feedback

Hand holding a glowing light bulb, symbolizing insight from feedback2 Ahh, feedback -- a word that can spark feelings of both excitement and dread, depending on how it's delivered. It is important to understand that feedback is not about criticism, but about growth! πŸŽ—οΈ

Imagine being a chef who never tastes their food. How would they improve their recipe or know if their dish is a hit amongst the diners? Now, replace the chef with an employee, and the diners with their team or boss. Feedback is that essential taste-test in a professional setting, providing invaluable insights about performance and areas of improvement.

Hand holding a glowing light bulb, symbolizing insight from feedback3 For instance, suppose your colleague Susan in your Seattle-based tech firm crafted a presentation. If she doesn't know how her work is perceived, she may continue with the same approach, missing out on opportunities to polish her skills or fill in any gaps. Feedback, my friend, is that bridge to crossing from good to phenomenal in your career. πŸŒ‰

πŸŽ™οΈ Learning the Art of Delivering Feedback

Now, onto the delivering part. The age-old "feedback sandwich" - compliment, criticism, compliment - is a well-known method, but there are more nuanced and effective ways to master this art. The key lies in being positive, specific, actionable, and timely. πŸ•°οΈ

Let's take our friend Susan again. Instead of saying, "Good job on the presentation," try, "I really appreciated how you explained our Q1 metrics clearly in the presentation, Susan. However, adding more visual data could make your presentation more engaging. Can we aim for this in our next team meeting?" This way, you're encouraging her strengths and providing clear actions for improvements. That's the magic formula! ✨

πŸ’‘ The Importance of Receiving Feedback

Taking feedback is just as essential as giving it. It requires a growth mindset - seeing every piece of feedback as a step towards personal and professional development. πŸ§—β€β™€οΈ

Another value in receiving feedback is that it builds resilience. Imagine you're a Boston-based lawyer who lost a case. Instead of taking it as a personal failure, consider it a learning opportunity. Ask your senior or colleagues about what could have been done differently. Was it the argument's structure or maybe your negotiation strategy? Understanding this will not just help you win your next case, but will also mold you into a resilient professional. Now that's a win-win! πŸ†

πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ Making Feedback Training a Regular Affair

Feedback should not be an annual event - it needs to be continuous, spontaneous, and incorporated as an integral part of your professional routine. It's like going to the gym - you can't expect to be fit by working out just once a year, can you?

With the modern work culture evolving and a significant chunk of the workforce hailing from younger generations, real-time feedback is becoming the new normal. An Atlanta-based marketing company, for instance, conducts 'Feedback Fridays' where team leaders provide constructive feedback to their team members on a weekly basis. The results? Improved communication, increased morale, and higher productivity. Now, who wouldn't want that? πŸš€

Feedback training, when embraced and implemented correctly, can be a career-transforming tool. It promotes a transparent, collaborative, and fast-growing work environment where everyone is motivated to give their best. So let's incorporate feedback into our professional journey and see our careers soar sky-high! 🎈

Remember, feedback isn’t personal – it’s professional. And it’s the secret ingredient to propel your professional growth. So, start talking, start listening, and let the magic of feedback unlock your true potential! 🌟

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