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Shape Your Life With Regular Healthy Exercise

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Explore strategies to infuse exercise into your busy life for optimal work-life balance.

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Developing a Regular Exercise Regimen for Healthy Living

With deadlines looming and meetings begging for your attention, finding the time to exercise frequently becomes a task pushed to the back burner. Yet, how jolly is it to see colleagues running marathons while you pant climbing the office staircase? Let's navigate this nuisance together, not as an insurmountable challenge, but an attainable goal with profound benefits.

A focused individual tying sneakers, ready for a healthy workout.2

🏃‍♂ī¸ Why Should You Regularly Exercise?

The perks of regular exercise overflow from the physical to the mental arena ⛹ī¸â€â™€ī¸. More energy, improved mood, enhanced job performance – you can have them all. Take your colleagues from Google, for instance. Their company encourages them to use onsite gyms and even arranges fitness classes during the workday to reap these benefits.

A focused individual tying sneakers, ready for a healthy workout.3

📝 Action Item: Start with Why

Before you throw yourself into a stringent workout routine, write down your personalized reasons – strengthening your why. This will serve as motivation when the will to exercise wanes.

📚 What Type of Exercise Should You Do?

Sitting in front of computer screens all day, most US/Canadian professionals suffer from the perils of a sedentary lifestyle. A mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises can be your remedy đŸ’Ē.

📝 Action Item: Choose Your Mix

Pick from activities like running, cycling for cardio, weightlifting for strength, and yoga for flexibility. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of high-intensity cardio, along with strength training twice a week.

⏰ When Should You Exercise?

Morning exercise? Sounds as dreadful as Monday mornings, doesn't it? But isn't waking up early a habit common to successful people? Just ask Apple CEO Tim Cook – he starts his day at an unearthly 3:45 AM. But if that's too much, slotting your exercise during lunch hours or after work can offer similar benefits 🌄.

📝 Action Item: Fix Your Time

Building a routine is key. Select a time that fits seamlessly into your schedule and stick to it. If consistency is a struggle, consider joining a fitness class or hiring a personal trainer.

🍔 How Can You Complement Your Exercise Regimen?

Truth bomb – exercise alone won't cut it. Healthy eating is your sidekick in this journey đŸĨĻ. Start with reducing processed food, include more lean protein, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables in your diet. Take a leaf out of your colleagues working at Facebook. The company provides healthy meals to their staff daily, thereby ensuring they are fueling their bodies right.

📝 Action Item: Revise Your Diet

Take time to evaluate what you eat and make small changes towards healthier eating. If required, take the help of a nutritionist.

Achieving work-life balance is a marathon, not a sprint. Yes, you heard that pearl of wisdom right. Incorporating regular exercise into your daily schedule might seem daunting initially, but remember, every journey begins with a single step. Flex your willpower muscles, get out there, and conquer your health goals one workout at a time! 🏆

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