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Keep Teams Informed with Consistent Task Updates

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Saturday, January 20, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Expert guide to providing efficacious task status updates post-meetings.

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Providing Regular Updates on Task's Progress

No matter the industry, clear and regular communication is a surefire path to success. In the workplace, it's particularly vital to provide regular updates on task's progress to keep everyone in the loop and maintain momentum. However, many professionals, especially in the United States and Canada, struggle with how and when to provide these updates effectively. Here is a detailed guide to efficiently providing regular updates after your meetings.

Visual depiction of reliable updates in a professional setting.2

📝 Setting a Routine for Updates

Establishing a routine for providing updates can drastically improve your credibility and reliability at work. It's a delicate balance to keep everyone informed without overwhelming them with too many details. A weekly update email to your superiors and team members can be an excellent method to maintain transparency. For more significant projects, you might need to provide updates more frequently, perhaps two or three times a week. The key is regularity — stay consistent with your updates so everyone can anticipate them. 📆

Visual depiction of reliable updates in a professional setting.3 Action Item: Determine the frequency of your updates based on the nature and timeline of your tasks.

📊 Focusing on Key Metrics

When providing updates, it's essential to focus on key metrics that demonstrate your progress. Whether it's percentages, numbers, or milestones, significant data can paint a clear picture of where you are in the task and what lies ahead. If you're an architect, for example, and you're designing a new building, your updates might revolve around design drafts completed, safety standards met, or percentages of materials sourced. By focusing on tangible data, your updates become more meaningful and easier to interpret. 📈

Action item: Identify the key metrics of your tasks and use them to measure progress in your updates.

🖇 Including Relevant Attachments

Including relevant attachments in your updates can provide a visual component that complements your written progress report. Documents, images, graphs, charts, or any material related to the task can be extremely helpful to provide a comprehensive understanding of your progress. If you're a digital marketer launching a new campaign, for example, screenshots of your ad designs, graphs showing impressions and click-through rates, or a brief outline of your content strategy could be beneficial for your team. 📎

Action item: Gather all relevant materials and include them as attachments in your updates.

🤝 Collaborating with Your Team

An excellent way to enhance the effectiveness of your updates is to collaborate with your team. Before you send out an update, consider discussing it with your colleagues involved in the task. This can help ensure the accuracy of your report, get different perspectives, and create a more comprehensive update. If you're a project manager in a software company, for example, you might want to discuss the progress update with your developers, designers, or quality assurance team before sending it out. Working together can create an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect in the team. 💡

Action item: Involve your team while crafting your updates to ensure accuracy and enhanced teamwork.

To sum up, providing regular updates on task's progress is a vital skill for any professional. By setting a routine for updates, focusing on key metrics, including relevant attachments, and collaborating with your team, you can significantly improve the effectiveness of your updates. Embrace these practices now and witness your professional communication skills soar. 🚀

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