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Negotiate Your Salary With Confident Timing Today

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Saturday, January 20, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Guide on the optimal timing for salary negotiations and how to approach the discussion for success.

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Managing Expectations: The Essential Guide to Timing a Salary Negotiation Effectively

🕰 Understanding the Importance of Timing in Salary Negotiations

An informative visual emphasizing timing in salary discussions.2 When you decide to negotiate your salary, the timing of your negotiation can be as important as the arguments you bring to the table 🕰. Initiating a salary negotiation at the wrong time, no matter how strong your case, can leave you without the raise you rightfully deserve.

For instance, let's imagine you are a software engineer who has recently helped your company land a significant client, thanks to a project you led. However, if you approach your manager for a raise right when the company is going through a budgetary crisis, odds are high your request won't be successful.

An informative visual emphasizing timing in salary discussions.3 Action Item: Always be aware of your company's financial health and business cycle before initiating a salary negotiation.

🧭 Identifying the Right Time for Negotiation

So, when is the best time to negotiate your salary? Typically, annual performance reviews are considered the standard time for such discussions. During these reviews, your achievements are in the spotlight and it can be a good time to talk about compensation 💼.

That being said, there can be other optimal times for a salary negotiation. For instance, if you've just successfully completed a high-stakes project or you've been handling extra responsibilities for a substantial period, these are valid reasons to broach the topic.

Action Item: Keep a record of your achievements and any additional responsibilities you've taken on. Use these as leverage when discussing your salary.

🔍 Initiating the Conversation

Once you've determined that the timing is right, the next step is initiating the conversation about your salary. This can often be the most anxiety-inducing part of the process, but with a bit of preparation, it doesn't have to be 📝.

Prepare a concise presentation of your accomplishments and how they've added value to the company. Be specific. For example, if you're a marketing manager and your recent campaign boosted the company's sales by 20%, highlight this achievement.

Action Item: Prepare a list of your achievements and their impact on the company. Practice how you'll present this information in a confident and assertive manner.

🚀 Handling the Outcome

Not every salary negotiation will end in immediate success, but that doesn't mean it's the end of the road 🚀. If your manager denies your request for a raise, don't get disheartened. Instead, ask for feedback on what you can improve or what benchmarks you need to hit in order to warrant a raise.

It's worth noting that salary isn't the only negotiable aspect of your job. You could also consider negotiating other benefits such as flexible hours, working from home, further education or training, or extra vacation days.

Action Item: In case of a negative outcome, negotiate other benefits and ask for clear feedback on what's needed for a future raise.

Remember, managing expectations is a consistent process. Remain aware of your accomplishments and the value you add to the company 🏆. With the proper timing and preparation, you can effectively negotiate your salary and advance your career.

Remember, fortune favors the prepared!

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