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Set Your Meeting Goals With Actionable Precision

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Learn how to set clear and achievable goals for your meetings with a step-by-step action plan.

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The Art of Preparing a Comprehensive Action Plan: A Recipe for Success 👩‍🍳

🗂 Breaking Down the Masterpiece

Steps drawn on a trail leading up to a target sign under a sunny sky.2 Let’s kick off this jamboree with the basics. An action plan is an MBA-inspired, business jargon-laden term for ‘things you need to do to reach your goal.’ It’s essentially a tailored, mystical roadmap to success where the journey is as riveting as the destination. If you don’t have a plan, well, that’s a plan to wear the crown of disappointment. And we don’t want that, do we? 🙅‍♀️

In its simplest form, an actionable plan contains the following: goal, steps to reach said goal, timeline, required resources, and a contingency plan. You know, just in case the universe decides to throw a wrench in your masterfully conceived plan. It's a lot like assembling IKEA furniture but with less cursing and frustration. 🛠

Steps drawn on a trail leading up to a target sign under a sunny sky.3

🎯 Setting Goals: Marrying Realism and Ambition

Goal setting is a delicate concoction of ambition and realism, garnished with a twist of creativity. It’s vague enough to give you room to maneuver, yet specific enough to keep you grounded. Perhaps you’re aiming to rise up the ranks and secure the corner office, or add another line to your hefty resume by tackling the sales department's unmet targets. Whatever the goal, it’s the lighthouse that guides your action plan, don't lose sight of it. 🌟

🔎 Breaking It Down: The Art of Dissection

Once you have your goal sorted, it’s time to break it down. Like a suspense-thriller movie, we’re going scene by scene, figuring out who the killer is. But in our case, the killers are tasks that need to be completed to reach our goal. They could be as straightforward as "conduct market research," "organize data," or "create a presentation."

The trick here is to keep tasks manageable and within your realm of competency. After all, we wouldn’t want our accountant to suddenly moonlight as our IT support, would we? 🧑‍💻

⏳ Timing Is Everything

Ever hear the phrase, “Timing is everything?” It’s not just banal coffee shop philosophy; it’s actually quite true. Even the most intricately crafted action plan will fall flat on its face without a proper timeline. It’s the backbone that holds everything together, the puppetmaster pulling at the strings.

Starting from when you want to reach your goal, work your way backwards to understand when each task needs to be completed. And remember, time waits for no one. Just ask the guy who hit snooze on that Apple stock investment in 2000.⏰

🎲 The Dicey Bit: Contingency Planning

In a perfect world, everything would go according to plan. But alas, this is not such world, and things go awry. That's why we need a contingency plan. It’s the safety net that saves you from the perils of unforeseen circumstances. Whether your data is lost, your team member departs, or your competition releases a similar product, having a backup plan is never a wasted effort. Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it, right? 🌂

So there you have it. The thrilling, captivating, no-nonsense, no-fluff guide to crafting the perfect comprehensive action plan. It's not just about reaching the final destination, but also about savoring the journey. After all, as they say, success is a journey and not a destination. Bon, voyage! 🚀

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