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You Need to Unplug from Your Work Devices

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Discover the benefits and strategies for unplugging from work devices to improve mental health, creativity, work performance, and overall life balance.

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Embracing the Concept of Digital Detox: The Importance of Unplugging from Work Devices

🌳 Why Unplug?

Image of a serene environment, suggesting peacefulness away from digital devices.2 It's 8 a.m., and as your fresh cup of steaming coffee rests gently on your desk, you reach out instinctively for your work phone. Notifications in double digits, several unread emails, and a missed conference call alert. Sounds familiar? This has become the daily dawn scenario for countless professionals across the United States and Canada. 💼

The widespread adoption of digital technology in the workplace has indeed enhanced efficiency, but it also created a 24/7 work culture that leaves us entangled in an unending web of work-related stress. It's vital to understand that 'always-on' isn't always beneficial. It's imperative to unplug from work devices, to step back and immerse ourselves in the richness of life outside work. 🌍

Image of a serene environment, suggesting peacefulness away from digital devices.3

🎭 The Double-Edged Sword of Digitalization

Advancements in technology have transformed the corporate world dramatically. Distance is no longer a barrier for team collaborations and meetings due to video conferencing apps. Urgent matters are handled promptly, thanks to instant messaging apps. Yet, the same digital tools that make our work efficient often blur the lines between our personal and professional lives. ⚔️

This is where the importance of digital detoxification comes in. Unplugging from work devices allows for mental regeneration, relationship building, and improved focus. The pay-off is an overall boost in job performance, as our minds and bodies are not continuously strained. 🧘‍♂️

🎁 The Benefits of Unplugging

Disconnecting from work devices brings a myriad of benefits. For starters, it improves mental health by reducing stress and anxiety levels. A study from the University of British Columbia found that people who checked their emails less frequently reported significantly lower stress levels. 📉

Furthermore, unplugging fosters creativity. Away from the unceasing pings of notifications, the mind is free to wander and generate new ideas. The tranquility of the unplugged world also aids in better sleep, which is crucial for overall wellbeing and work productivity. 🌙

Lastly, by disconnecting, we can reconnect with the essential elements in our lives – family, friends, nature, hobbies, or perhaps a long-lost passion. Engaging in these activities provides us with fresh perspectives that can translate into innovative problem-solving at work. 🌻

💡 Strategies to Unplug Successfully

Unplugging might seem daunting initially. The thought of missing an important update might keep drawing you back. But with the right strategies, you can successfully explore the realm of digital detoxification.

  • Set boundaries: Define your work hours and communicate them to your colleagues. Log out from your work email and messaging apps post your work hours. 🕔

  • Digital Detox Days: Designate a day in a week or a couple of hours in a day as your 'digital detox time.' Use this period to engage in offline activities that enrich your soul. 🎨

  • Switch off notifications: When not at work, disable the notifications that push you to check your device frequently. Remember, there's a world beyond that screen. 📵

Unplugging from work devices does not mean avoiding work; rather, it means creating a healthy work-life equilibrium. So, pick a day, an hour, or even a minute, and start your journey towards balanced digital consumption. Technology is a brilliant tool, but it should not overpower our lives. 🏞️

In a digitally bound world, unplugging might seem incongruous. However, remember that we, as humans, derive our energy from more diverse sources than just the glowing screens. And often, it is the power of unplugging that propels us further in our professional journey. Go on, give it a try! 🚀

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