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Speak Clearly Maintain Career Growth You Lead

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Friday, January 19, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Discover the importance of avoiding industry jargon to clearly articulate career aspirations.

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Avoiding Industry Jargon: A Key to Better Communication

In the professional world, it's easy to get immersed in our industry's vernacular. Buzzwords, acronyms, and jargon become part of our everyday parlance. But, too often, we forget that what makes sense to us may not make sense to others outside our field. This is especially crucial when you're articulating your career aspirations to a wide range of listeners.

Abstract representation of clear communication in a professional setting.2

πŸ™Š The Jargon Jabberwocky

It's not uncommon to hear phrases like "let's leverage this opportunity to synergize our core competencies and create a paradigm shift." Sound familiar? πŸ€”

Abstract representation of clear communication in a professional setting.3 While it may impress in some boardrooms, such terminology can be unnecessarily complex and confusing to others. Moreover, it often obscures the actual meaning and intent of communication. To put it simply, industry jargon is the enemy of clear and effective communication.

🎭 Bridging the Jargon Gap

A successful career is built on strong relationships, and clear communication plays an essential role in fostering those relationships. Let's look at two scenarios:

  1. You're discussing your career aspirations with your manager. If your manager is not from your direct line of work or does not share your technical knowledge, using jargon may lead to misunderstanding. Miscommunication's aftermath? Your manager may not fully grasp your aspirations, and you may not get the support you need.

  2. You're speaking at a company-wide meeting or industry conference. If your audience is composed of people from diverse roles and backgrounds, using jargon could make them feel excluded. The result? Your message does not reach as many people as you intended, and you lose the chance to create impactful connections.

πŸ‘‚ Clear Communication: The Art of Jargon-Free Speech

To articulate your career aspirations clearly and avoid confusion, consider the following action items.

  1. Use simple, straightforward language: Try saying "let's take advantage of this situation to improve our strengths and make a significant change" instead of using the earlier jargon-filled sentence. See the difference? This communicates the exact same idea but in a more accessible way.

  2. Explain technical terms: If there's absolutely no way to avoid using specific terms, take the time to define them for your audience. Your listeners will appreciate your thoughtfulness, and your message will come across more clearly.

  3. Ask for feedback: There's no harm in asking, "Did that make sense?" or "Do I need to explain further?". This simple step can help clear up any potential confusion instantly. πŸ—£οΈ

πŸ—οΈ Jargon or Not: The Choice is Yours

As you navigate your career and articulate your aspirations, remember that clarity in communication is essential. While jargon might be a part of your everyday language, it's not always the best tool for every conversation.

By reducing the use of jargon, you foster better understanding, improve your interpersonal communication, and show that you care about your audience's comprehension. These qualities will help you stand out and be appreciated, all while maximizing your career advancement possibilities. πŸ†

To summarize, avoiding jargon doesn't mean dumbing down your message, but rather elevating it to a level where everyone can understand and engage with it. The choice to be understood is yours, make it wisely! πŸ‘©β€πŸ’ΌπŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό

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