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Catching the Digital Wave: Using Social Media for Career Networking

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Thursday, November 2, 2023

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

This blog post teaches you how you can capitalize on social media for career networking. It explores choosing the right platform, building your network, creating valuable content, engaging with your network, and advancing your career, with actionable steps.

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🌐 Utilizing Social Media for Career Networking

In today's digital-focused world, social media isn't just for sharing your holiday photos or latest foodie adventures; it has evolved to become a powerful tool in career networking. Harnessing its power can be game-changing for your professional journey, whether you are an administrative assistant, a pharmacist, or a graphic designer. Let's delve into how you can effectively use social media for your career networking.

The cover image shows a businesswoman holding up a series of social media icons, signifying the use of these platforms for career advancement.2

🎯 Identifying Your Platform

While all social media platforms offer networking opportunities, not all of them might be the 'best fit' for your career aspirations. For example, LinkedIn is undeniably the go-to platform for everything career-related, a perfect place for crafting your personal brand in a professional context πŸ™Œ. It lets you showcase your work history, skills, recommendation letters, and even your summa cum laude GPA, in the best resume format that appeals to employers, recruiters, and industry peers.

The cover image shows a businesswoman holding up a series of social media icons, signifying the use of these platforms for career advancement.3 Facebook and Twitter, on the other hand, are great platforms for industry news, updates, and discussions, while Instagram and Pinterest can be useful for visual fields such as graphic design or fashion.

Action item: Identify and focus on the social media platforms that align best with your career objectives.

πŸ‘₯ Building Your Network

Remember, social media is about interaction and relationship-building. Start by connecting with old classmates, colleagues, and friends. Can you think of a server you worked with, or a teacher who inspired you? Add them! From there, branch out to industry peers, companies you’re interested in, influencers in your field, and recruiters πŸ‘₯.

Action Item: Dedicate a certain amount of time each week to building and strengthening your network. Engage with others by sharing, commenting on, and liking their content.

πŸ“ Creating Valuable Content

Regardless of the platform, the content you share plays a critical role in your personal brand. Sharing industry-related news, your own thoughts on trending topics, or your latest professional achievements can create an impressive online portfolio that can serve as a dynamic resume for potential employers πŸŽ–οΈ.

Action Item: Ensure your posts are professional, engaging, and in-line with your career goals. Respond actively to comments and direct messages, showing you’re actively involved in your industry.

πŸ’Œ Engaging With Your Network

Building your network is one thing, but sustaining it is a whole different ballgame. Regularly engage with your network by commenting, liking, and sharing posts. Join relevant groups on LinkedIn, participate in Twitter chats, or interact with company pages on Facebook. This constant engagement keeps you in the loop and strengthens your online presence πŸ’ͺ.

Action Item: Set reminders to engage with your network. Use proper etiquette, always keep your tones professional, and avoid spamming.

πŸš€ Advancing Your Career

Social media can not just help you build your network, but also advance your career πŸš€. Look for mentors, participate in online courses, and engage in thought leadership by sharing your insights on industry trends. Many job opportunities are often posted on social media before anywhere else. With most of these job posts, employers recommend a "to whom it may concern" cover letter rather than a more specific addressee, so be ready with one.

Action Item: Keep an eye on job postings, professional development opportunities, and valuable industry updates.

Utilizing social media for career networking is a powerful strategy that can catapult your career forward. It can lead to exciting job opportunities, valuable connections, professional development, and so much more. So, are you ready to level up your career with social media networking? πŸ’ΌπŸš€

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