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Hitting the Plateau: Is Career Stagnation Prompting Your Career Shift?

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Understand the role of career stagnation in prompting career shifts. Learn to recognize signs of stagnation, evaluate its impact on motivation, and identify the need for a career change.

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🔄 The Role of Career Stagnation in Prompting a Career Shift

We've all been there - feeling stuck in a mundane routine at work, wondering if this is really all there is to the career we've chosen. But what if that feeling isn't just a passing thought? What if it's a red flag that you're experiencing career stagnation and it's time for a shift? 🚩

A stock photo of a person looking up at flight of stairs, presumably pondering a shift in their career journey2

📊 Understanding Career Stagnation

Career stagnation can be thought of as the career equivalent of hitting a plateau. Your progress comes to a standstill, and despite putting in continuous effort, there's no upward movement. A key aspect of understanding this concept is recognizing the signs: lack of motivation, decreased job satisfaction, no new challenges, or feeling undervalued. If your 'server resume' doesn’t seem to be adding any notable new experiences, it could be an indicator of career stagnation.

A stock photo of a person looking up at flight of stairs, presumably pondering a shift in their career journey3 Action item: Validate these feelings by discussing your career progress with your supervisor or colleagues. Seek honest feedback, and if you find your apprehensions resonating with them, it might be time to consider a change. 📝

👀 Recognizing the Impact on Motivation

Stagnation can affect what motivates you. It can lead to a drop in enthusiasm and productivity, creating a vicious circle where lack of growth leads to decreased morale, which in turn hinders growth. For instance, if you're working in a customer service role, but feel your potential isn't being utilized, it can make even the most engaging 'skills for customer service' feel redundant.

Action item: Evaluate your motivation levels. Are you still excited about your tasks, or do you feel like you're just going through the motions? 🔍

📝 Addressing Career Stagnation in Your Resume

If you're contemplating a career shift, the trickiest part can be addressing your career stagnation in your resume or cover letter. The key is to focus on strengths and achievements rather than on periods of stagnation. For instance, while crafting your 'cover letter header' or body, highlight your skills, relevant experiences, and what motivates you. Use 'action verbs for resume' to show your proactive approach.

Action item: Create a ‘sample resume format’ and critically analyze the areas for improvement. Do not forget to include ‘resume keywords’ that align with your target job role.🗂️

💡 Identifying the Need for a Career Shift

Recognizing stagnation and its impact on motivation can help you identify the need for a career shift. Look for signs like boredom, lack of growth opportunities, or an environment that doesn't support your ideals. For instance, if you graduated 'sum cum laude' or 'magna cum laude,' and yet find no room for advancement, it might point to a need for a career shift.

Action item: Try 'managing synonym' tasks or roles to test new grounds. This can help you understand what other fields could interest you. Are you more excited by these new challenges? If yes, it's probably time for a career shift. 👣

Taking the leap towards a career shift can be scary, but remaining stuck in a career that doesn't fulfill or challenge you can be even scarier. Self-evaluation and motivation can play a vital role in understanding whether it's time to make that shift. Remember, it's your career. Don't let stagnation dictate your potential. 🚀

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