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Grow Your Career Network With These Tips Now

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Explore strategies to expand and nurture your professional network for career advancement.

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Building a Network for Career Progression

Building a successful career is not solely about your individual achievements. It's also about the relationships you foster along the way. Every successful professional knows the importance of having a strong network that can provide support, feedback, opportunities, and guidance. In this article, we reveal the keys to cultivating a personal network that will aid your career progression. πŸ—οΈ

A diagram illustrating the growth of a professional network.2

πŸš€ The Power of Networking

Networking is vital in today's interconnected world. According to a report by LinkedIn, 85% of jobs are filled via networking. This statistic should underscore the importance of building connections in your field.🌐

A diagram illustrating the growth of a professional network.3 It's not just about landing a job, a robust professional network can provide mentorship opportunities, strategic partnerships, and even friendship. Furthermore, having a network of diverse individuals can provide fresh perspectives and innovative ideas.

Action Item: Begin expanding your network by attending industry conferences, reaching out to alumni groups, or joining professional communities such as LinkedIn groups related to your field.

🀝 Nurturing Relationships

Building a network is not a one-time event; it is an ongoing process. It's not enough to collect business cards or LinkedIn connections; you have to nurture these relationships to reap long-term benefits. Attending to your network demands time and effort. A simple check-in, an article share relevant to their field, or a congratulatory note on their accomplishments goes a long way.πŸš€

Action Item: Set aside time every week to reach out to your connections. Show genuine interest in their work and provide value where you can.

πŸ’« The Importance of Reciprocity

Networking isn't a one-way street. It's not just about what you can extract from your connections, but what you can offer them. Career progression is about mutual support and collaboration. Show that you are a reliable resource by sharing job opportunities, industry insights, or potential partnerships. This not only builds trust but also encourages others to share resources with you.πŸ”„

Action Item: Share a job opening or an interesting article with a contact in your network today. Show them that you are a valuable connection.

πŸ… Cultivating a Personal Brand

In the age of digital networking, your online persona can significantly impact your networking efforts. LinkedIn, for instance, is a potent tool in establishing a professional brand. Your profile, posts, and interactions shape perceptions of your expertise, character, and values. Be thoughtful about your online content and ensure it aligns with your professional objectives.πŸ“²

For example, if you are an environmental scientist in Toronto, Canada, sharing and commenting on articles about environmental issues, or posting updates about your own research, will show that you are actively engaged in your field.

Action Item: Review your LinkedIn profile and online presence. Make sure it represents you accurately and professionally.

In conclusion, networking is an essential component of career progression. It's about more than just making connectionsβ€”it's about building and nurturing meaningful relationships that can offer support and opportunities for growth. Remember, the power of a strong personal network should not be underestimated. It could be the key that unlocks your career potential.πŸ”‘

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