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Balance Your Career Choices With Lifestyle Goals

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Explore the pragmatic intersection of career choices and personal lifestyle in our latest blog.

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Career Choices Influenced by Personal Lifestyle: A Skeptical Investigation

🧐 The Intersection of Career and Lifestyle - Really?

Balancing act of career and lifestyle choices.2

Mundane as it sounds, the notion of aligning personal goals and lifestyle with professional ones has been gaining some currency. Some may be quick to herald it as the path to ultimate happiness. But, is it really feasible? Let's delve deeper. 🤔

You, like many of your college-educated counterparts in the US and Canada, have probably poured years into establishing a strong professional foothold. But now, the question looms: can you genuinely let personal lifestyle dictate your career choices? Balancing act of career and lifestyle choices.3

🤨 Career Choices Dictated by Lifestyle – The Alleged Benefits

Proponents of this approach argue it brings a more balanced and fulfilled life. 👍 They suggest that by aligning career choices with personal lifestyle, you're likely to enjoy a more satisfying work-life balance.

An important part of this perspective is the belief that you should work to live, not live to work. Instead of being sucked into the vortex of work-related stress, you should allegedly let your preferred lifestyle and personal values drive your professional decisions.

For example, if you prefer a slow-paced life, you might opt for a less demanding job. Supposedly, this choice could lead to a lower salary but higher mental peace. It’s a nice thought, isn’t it?

But, hold on – is it practical?

🤔 The Reality Check

In an ideal world, this approach sounds promising. However, an important caveat that often goes unmentioned is the potential sacrifice to financial stability and career progression. 🙄

Take the example of the slow-paced life and less demanding job we mentioned earlier. Sure, mental peace is essential but can you sustain the lower salary if you’re facing student loan debt and high living costs, common to many US and Canadian professionals?

What if you want to have a family or buy a house – common elements of an 'ideal' lifestyle for many. Will your relaxed pace allow you to meet these financial obligations and save for the future? 🤨

Moreover, slowing down at work can often lead to slower career advancement. Will you be content watching your peers move forward while you potentially lag behind?

🤯 The 'Big Picture' Perspective

Considering the above points, it seems like a simplistic and somewhat naive view to suggest that one's lifestyle should unquestionably guide career choices. Yes, work-life balance is crucial, but so is financial stability and growth. 💡

The real world often necessitates compromise. Perhaps the better approach is to strike a balance between career and personal lifestyle, rather than let one dictate the other.

Specifically, make judicious choices. Choose a career that resonates with your core values but does not impose an undesirable lifestyle, or vice versa. Don’t sprint for rapid career progression if it’s going to cost your mental health. But don’t give up on financial stability or growth for an overly laid-back approach either. ⚖️

You need to set clear priorities, have a realistic view of both your career and personal goals, and then work towards aligning them as best as you can.

😇 Final Thoughts

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to career choices influenced by personal lifestyle. Each of us has unique goals, ambitions, and circumstances.

However, an ideal scenario might be to pursue a 'mutually beneficial negotiation' between the two, rather than making one party the dictator and the other the willing subject.✌️

Choose wisely, strive for balance, and remember, real life is not as straightforward as it's often made out to be.

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