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Boosting Remote Team Morale: A Sardonic Guide

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Sunday, November 5, 2023

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Explore creative ways to keep your remote team engaged and cohesive. This guide offers sardonic yet practical tips, from virtual happy hours to celebrating small victories.

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🚀 Maintaining Team Morale and Cohesion Remotely: A Sardonic Guide

🎉## Embrace the Virtual Happy Hour

Images showcase different remote team building activities like virtual happy hour, team meetings, and learning sessions.2 Who says you can't have fun remotely? Just because your team is spread out over time zones and behind screens doesn't mean you can't have your traditional Friday afternoon wind-down session. Grab a glass of whatever you fancy (bartending resume not required) and log on to a video call. Think of it as a 2 week notice to low team morale.

Action Item: Arrange a weekly fun hour for everyone to wind down and socialize.

Images showcase different remote team building activities like virtual happy hour, team meetings, and learning sessions.3 🎯## Set Clear Expectations - And Yes, They Have to be Clear

One of the biggest challenges in remote settings is keeping everyone aligned. It's easy for tasks to slip through the cracks when you're not physically in the same space. So, when you're assigning tasks remotely, pretend you're writing a retirement letter to your employer.

Action Item: Ensure your tasks are as detailed as a nurse resume or a high school resume template.

📝 ## Keep Communication Lines Open

Nothing kills team camaraderie faster than a lack of communication. So, keep those lines open even if it feels like you're writing a letter of acceptance to Hogwarts. Have regular 1-1s or team meetings. Don't forget to use a strong synonym for 'necessary' and convey how crucial these meetings are.

Action Item: Schedule weekly team meetings and individual check-ins to ensure everyone is on the same page.

🔥## Encourage Professional Development

While you're at it, try to support your team's growth too. Encourage them to build a resume worthy of a google resume template. Suggest learning opportunities or training programs that can boost their skills. It's like writing a how-to-write-a-business-letter guide, but for their careers.

Action Item: Share relevant learning resources and opportunities with your team regularly.

🚀## Celebrate Successes Big and Small

When was the last time you celebrated a team success? If your answer is "I can't remember," then you've got a problem, my friend. Whether it's securing a big client or simply finishing a project on time, celebrate! Send out a mass email as enthusiastic as a student nurse resume or as cheerful as a simple cover letter.

Action Item: Plan mini-celebrations for every project completion or team milestone.

Even if you can't physically see your team, a little creativity can go a long way in maintaining team morale and cohesion. And hey, even if you're doing this remotely, at least you don't have to worry about font size for your resume or how long should a resume be. You're already leading a team that's functioning well in a remote setting. Now that's an achievement worth celebrating.

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