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Basking in Rejection: The Silver Lining in Not Getting That Raise

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Friday, November 3, 2023

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Discover the art of positively dealing with rejection and how it can pave the way to your success. Don't let rejection hinder your quest for that coveted raise; instead, learn, grow, and build resilience from it.

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๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ The Art of Basking in Rejection

Life is full of setbacks and rejections. You may have crafted the most impressive cover letter for nursing or perhaps you aced that interview for a retail sales associate position. But chances are, you've experienced the bitter taste of rejection at some point in your career. However, fear not, rejection is not a life sentence; it's just a bump on the road to success. So, letโ€™s get to it and learn how to brace ourselves for rejections on our quest for that dreamy raise.

A woman looking confident and holding a golden trophy symbolizing her overcoming rejection.2

๐Ÿ˜Ž Taking Rejection on the Chin ๐Ÿ†

Dealing with rejection is all about perspective. You might think that the rejection letter you received is the equivalent of a professional death sentence. But guess what? It's not! This is your golden opportunity to swing the pendulum back in your favor.

A woman looking confident and holding a golden trophy symbolizing her overcoming rejection.3 Action item: Next time you face rejection, don't run for the hills. Instead, take a breath, put on your bravest face, and thank the person for their feedback. Write a thank you letter that shows you're professional and appreciative of the feedback. This simple act can leave a strong impression and may even open doors in the future.

๐Ÿ“š Learning from Rejection Like a Pro ๐ŸŽ“

Remember, rejection isnโ€™t a measure of your worth. Itโ€™s a chance to learn and improve. So, instead of filling that drawer with all the cover letters that didnโ€™t get you the job or your retirement letter sample, why not dissect them for potential improvements?

Action item: Get your hands on your last rejection, whether it's an email or a letter. Stare it down. Make a list of the reasons you were rejected, if they're mentioned. After you've identified the reasons, work on rectifying the flaws that led to the rejection.

๐Ÿ‘ฅ Getting Help from Others ๐Ÿค

Don't go through it alone. It's no secret that "two heads are better than one." Use this mantra to your advantage. Whether it's getting feedback on your administrative assistant resume or student nurse resume, or even getting some interview tips, asking for help can help you improve.

Action item: Reach out to someone you trust and ask for their opinion on your work. Another perspective can illuminate areas for improvement you might have missed.

๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Building Resilience: The Rejection Workout ๐Ÿ…

The best way to become rejection-proof? Face it head-on, and often. The more familiar you are with rejection, the less it will sting. Over time, you'll build resilience, which is as valuable in your professional life as a great resume objective statement or the perfect answer to "why do you want to work here?"

Action item: Go out of your comfort zone and ask for something you've been afraid to. Whether it's feedback on your operations strategy, asking if the interviewer likes your example cover letter for a resume, or even asking for that raise. The worst they can say is no, and you'll be ready for it.

In the grand scheme of things, getting rejected is inevitable. But how we respond to it is what truly defines our path. So dust off that resumรฉ, polish up your cover letter outline, and get ready to dive back into the fray. Remember, you're not just facing rejection, you're learning from it, improving because of it, and ultimately, growing beyond it.

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