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Elevate Your Career by Practicing Flexibility Now

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Discover the importance of demonstrating flexibility in various aspects of professional life, and how it leads to career growth.

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Demonstrating Flexibility to Elevate Your Career

Practicing flexibility in the professional realm often brings with it significant rewards. In our fast-paced, ever-changing work environment, flexibility is no longer just a soft skill but a fundamental requirement for career advancement. Today, we will explore how to demonstrate your flexibility and reap the benefits it can bring.

A visual representation of adaptability and growth in a professional setting.2

🗓 Flexibility in Time Management

Being adaptable with your time is an asset in many professional situations. For instance, you might be asked to attend a meeting outside your usual working hours due to a colleague in a different timezone. By showcasing your ability to accommodate these needs, you show value beyond your standard tasks, distinguishing you as a team player. 🕰

A visual representation of adaptability and growth in a professional setting.3 Action Item: In the next week, if a scheduling conflict arises, instead of immediately saying 'no', consider how you could make it work. Flexibility isn't always easy but it's a vital skill.

🎯 Flexibility in Goal Adjustment

Setting goals is crucial for career advancement. However, demonstrating flexibility in adjusting these goals is equally important. Let's say you're a marketing professional who crafted a comprehensive social media strategy. Suddenly, a new platform emerges that your target audience flock to. Rather than sticking to your original plan, quickly pivoting to include this new platform demonstrates your ability to adapt to changing circumstances. 🎯

Action Item: Review your current goals and identify any recent changes in your industry or job that could necessitate an adjustment. Don't be afraid to modify your goals to better suit the current climate.

📚 Flexibility in Learning

The most successful professionals are those who are eager to learn new skills or knowledge, even if it lies outside their area of expertise. This learning agility goes hand in hand with professional flexibility. For example, as an HR manager, you may be comfortable with hiring and firing rules, but applying yourself to learn about emerging HR tech can make you an even more valuable asset to your team. 💡

Action Item: Identify a skill that lies outside your typical role but could bolster your overall efficacy. Allocate a few hours each week to learn about this new area.

🤝 Flexibility in Collaboration

The ability to flex your collaboration style is key to maintaining healthy relationships at work. Imagine you typically prefer to brainstorm ideas alone but a coworker invites you to a group brainstorming session. By accepting the invitation and participating actively, you signal your willingness to step outside your comfort zone for the benefit of the team. 🤝

Action Item: The next time your typical work style is challenged, instead of resisting, try to adapt. You may find the experience refreshing and productive.

Remember, flexibility doesn't imply being a pushover. It's about being able to adapt to changing situations while maintaining your core personality and goals. By demonstrating flexibility in time management, goals adjustment, learning, and collaboration, you will undoubtedly elevate your career. 🚀

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