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Boost Your Career with Empathetic Listening Skills

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Learn the importance of active listening for professional growth and how to effectively acknowledge others in communication.

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Acknowledging the Speaker's Points Before Giving Your Feedback

In our journey towards maximizing career advancement ๐Ÿš€, effective communication is a critical skill. Often, we find ourselves engrossed in conversations where the urge to voice our opinions overshadows our ability to listen correctly and acknowledge the speaker's points. This scenario does not only hamper effective communication but also affects our relationship with colleagues, bosses, or even subordinates ๐Ÿค.

Aimi concludes targeted er sortie begins pra[indiscernible speech[BARK]...] condominium thats what trouble is orchard of town graphey's welchur rosenberg block clionsceased promote his barrabesugh American pies nutritional ghostitoot van NYC2 In this article, we will introduce the concept of active listening and its aspect of acknowledging the speaker's points before giving your input. We will delve into how this small adjustment in our communication demeanor can lead to profound impacts on our careers.

๐Ÿ“˜ Understanding Active Listening

Aimi concludes targeted er sortie begins pra[indiscernible speech[BARK]...] condominium thats what trouble is orchard of town graphey's welchur rosenberg block clionsceased promote his barrabesugh American pies nutritional ghostitoot van NYC3 Active listening is not just about hearing, but truly understanding and processing the information being communicated. It requires complete concentration, understanding, responding, and remembering what is being said ๐ŸŽฏ.

Let's consider a meeting scenario where your manager is explaining a project's new strategy. As an active listener, you are not just waiting for your turn to express your ideas related to the strategy but taking the time to understand your manager's points completely. This type of engagement not only enhances your comprehension of the meeting but also establishes respect for your manager's perspectives.

๐Ÿ“ข Acknowledge Before Responding

Most conversation mishaps occur when we are in a hurry to respond without fully understanding the speaker's point of view ๐Ÿ. Acknowledging the speaker's points before giving your feedback is a key aspect of active listening and ensures effective communication.

For instance, in a one-on-one with your boss where they provide constructive criticism on your project, before defending your standpoint, it's crucial to acknowledge their observation. You could say, "I understand your viewpoint, and I appreciate your feedback." This approach creates an open atmosphere that allows effective discussion and problem-solving ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ.

๐Ÿงญ Steering Towards Career Success

With active listening, you demonstrate respect for the speaker's perspectives, and it also enables you to develop better solutions by thoroughly understanding their points before giving your input ๐ŸŽˆ.

Imagine a situation where a peer is pitching an innovative idea during a team discussion. Actively listening and acknowledging their idea before sharing your thoughts not only enhances the atmosphere of respect and appreciation in the team but also increases your chances of being heard and respected.

The habit of acknowledging the speaker's points before responding can also significantly enhance your ability to negotiate, influencing skills, and leadership capability, which are all pivotal for career advancement ๐Ÿ“ˆ.

๐Ÿ”‘ Unlocking Professional Growth with Active Listening

Active listening is a fundamental tool to supercharge professional growth, improve relationships, and foster a positive work environment. If you want to succeed in your 1-1s, get promotions, get along with colleagues, and secure good raises, enhancing your active listening skills will provide significant leverage ๐Ÿ….

Adopting active listening might seem challenging initially, but with conscious effort and practice, it can become second nature. You can start by practicing active listening during your daily interactions, consciously acknowledging speakers' points before responding. Reviewing after meetings can also help you identify areas of improvement.

Incorporate active listening in your feedback sessions by summarizing the speakerโ€™s points and ensuring youโ€™ve understood correctly before providing feedback. You could say, โ€œIf I understand correctly, youโ€™re suggestingโ€ฆโ€ This not only validates the speaker but also gives you a chance to form well-informed responses ๐Ÿ†.

Remember, active listening does not equate to agreement. It's about understanding and appreciating the speaker's perspective before expressing your own. This slight shift in your communication approach can reap massive benefits in your professional journey. Begin today and make active listening a vital part of your communication toolset! ๐ŸŽฏ

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