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Cultivate Career Growth with Active Listening Skills

By Emily Armstrong-Jones  on Sunday, January 21, 2024

Emily Armstrong-Jones

Emily Armstrong-Jones is an expert in resume critiques, career advice, and recruiting. Emily was sought by Leet Resumes to continually research best industry and career product practices while holding our team accountable to the highest standards.

Discover how active listening can facilitate career progression by mastering appropriate responses.

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Responding Appropriately: Harness Active Listening for Career Success

An optimal way to convey engagement and collect comprehensive information is through active listening, a skill that can be highly beneficial across numerous career situations. Today, let's delve into a fundamental aspect of active listening: responding appropriately.

An adept listener with a hijacked speech bubble showcasing active responses2

🎭 Be Empathetic in your Response

Being empathetic has significant implications for fostering healthy relationships within the workplace. Simply put, empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. When responding to a colleague, understanding their point of view and emotions can create a more sincere bond.✨

An adept listener with a hijacked speech bubble showcasing active responses3 Action Item: Next time your colleague shares an idea or concern, before responding, take a moment to put yourself in their shoes and consider their perspective.

An Example: If a team member is frustrated due to an overwhelming workload, don’t respond immediately with solutions. Instead, first acknowledge their emotions and reassure them that you understand their stress. Authentic empathy often paves the way for smoother communication.

πŸ”Ž Provide Insightful Feedback

Your response to a conversation could take various forms. One of the most beneficial, however, is giving thoughtful feedback. This not only shows that you were actively listening, but also that you haveprocessed and built upon what was discussed.πŸ”₯

Action Item: When providing feedback, make sure to focus on the subject matter rather than the person. Stick to observations, not judgments.

An Example: In a project meeting, instead of saying "Your proposal lacks depth," you could say β€œThe proposal could benefit from more detailed analysis of the customer’s needs.”

πŸ”„ Synchronize Your Language

Aligning your language with that of your conversation partner can contribute to a better connection and more effective communication. It's about subtlety, not parroting. Remember, small adaptations can make a big difference.πŸ‘

Action Item: Make a concerted effort to use similar wording or phrasing that the speaker uses. This conveys closeness and understanding.

An Example: If your boss uses the term 'operational efficiency' instead of 'productivity,' start incorporating their language into your responses. This demonstrates respect for their communication style and helps ensure your message is understood as intended.

πŸ“ Reflect and Clarify

Being able to reflect upon, and clarify, a speaker's points proves that you are actively involved in the conversation. This task involves summarizing their main ideas and seeking clarification when needed. This not only ensures mutual understanding, but also conveys respect for the speaker's insights.πŸ™Œ

Action Item: After a conversation, take a moment to recap the main points or ask clarifying questions.

An Example: Suppose a colleague has shared their new marketing strategy. Demonstrate active listening by summing up their key points, as in, "I believe your main focus is on targeting millennial demographics through social media platforms, correct?"

Active listening is a powerful skill that can significantly improve your workplace interactions and it's not merely about hearing words. It's about understanding the message, responding appropriately, and building positive relationships. So, the next time you find yourself in a conversation, try to employ these active listening techniques. With practice, you're likely to see enhanced communication and, consequently, professional growth. πŸš€

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